Financing Energy Efficiency

Date 29 March 2017
Details 8:30 - 14:00
Location Residence Palace, Rue de la Loi 155, Brussels

Meet EEIP at the EASME event on Financing Energy Efficiency

This event, held in Brussels, will present a selection of on-going initiatives at local, national and European levels that are demonstrating that energy efficiency can be financed on a large scale through the mobilisation of private financing.

Mostly funded under the Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency programme, these initiatives provide inspiring insights on:  

  1. Aggregation and assistance for project development: the event will feature successful projects developing an investment pipeline at local and regional levels, which can be adapted and replicated at a large scale across the EU
  2. De-risking energy efficiency investments: the event will present the key initiatives in Europe that are making energy efficiency increasingly attractive for the financial sector through policy dialogue, standardisation and benchmarking of investments
  3. More effective use of public funding: the event will present successful experiences of innovative financing schemes using public funds to leverage private finance for energy efficiency.

You can register for the event here