G20 Global Summit on Financing Energy Efficiency, Innovation and Clean Technology

Date 11 June 2019
Details From 9:00am to 4:30pm (invitation only)
Location United Nations University, 53-70, Jingumae5-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925

The 2019 General Assembly will offer a unique opportunity for Smart city actors to exchange best practices, present projects, find partners, and stimulate discussions helping the development of innovative ideas.

The purpose of the 2019 General Assembly is to build on last year’s General Assembly, which – for the first time – created a matchmaking space where promoters can present their projects and find partners to make investments while exchanging and disseminating best practices in the main sectors producing services for urban communities.

In order to support the development of projects and accelerate investments in the Smart City panorama, the event will be structured in three main thematic areas:



Draft Agenda 

Thursday, 16 May 2019

08:3009:30Registration, Welcome Coffee & Networking in the Explore Zone

Plenary Meeting with Keynote Speech "Cities needs and aspirations", followed by the first discussion panel on "Cities Market Perspectives"

10:3010:40Short break
10:4011:25Second discussion panel on "Industry Perspectives"
11:2511:35Short break
11:3512:20Third discussion panel on "Investor Perspectives"
12:2012:45End of the Plenary Meeting with Closing remarks
12:4514:00Networking Lunch in the Explore Zone
14:0017:30Action Cluster Meetings (invitation only)

Friday, 17 May 2019

  • Networking & Exchange Session in the Explore Zone
  • One-on-one Matchmaking Sessions
  • Shaping roundtable sessions on burning topics.


contact: events(at)eu-smartcities.eu