How digital innovations and advanced data platforms will empower climate action and entrepreneurship
Date | 23 September 2019 |
Details | 4:30 - 7:00 pm |
Location | New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 West 64th Street, New York, NY 10023, United States |
Blockchain for Climate Action Accounting and Entrepreneurship
How digital innovations and advanced data platforms will empower climate entrepreneurship – learn about new initiatives from some of the leaders in climate space developing new solutions for blockchain, data, accounting, finance, partnerships and nextgen governance
Venue: New York Society for Ethical Culture, Ceremonial Hall, 4th Floor
2 W 64th Street (at Central Park West)
New York, NY 10023
Time and Date: 430pm to 7pm on Tuesday September 24, 2019
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/blockchain-for-climate-action-accounting-and-entrepreneurship-tickets-72553083225
About the event:
Digital innovation and especially Distributed Ledger Technology (blockchain) can be very important enablers of enhanced climate action.
DLT and blockchain could:
• strengthen monitoring, reporting and verification of the impacts of climate action
• improve transparency, traceability and cost-effectiveness of climate action
• build trust among climate actors
• make incentive mechanisms for climate action more accessible
• support mobilization of green finance.
To encourage exploration and eventual use of this technology in support of climate action, the UN Climate Change secretariat helped initiate the Climate Chain Coalition – an open global network. In light of the importance of the UN Climate Action Summit 2019 for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, the Climate Chain Coalition, IAAI GloCha and Yale Open Labs are hosting a public networking event to present the vision for a Global Climate Action Data Center and to facilitate entreneurship and broad collaboration among all relevnt stakeholders and in order to mobilize resources, including climate philanthropists for the creation of the technological infrastructure for multi-stakeholder engagement in climate action.
For more information: climatechaincoalition(at)gmail.com
Host and Organizers:
Climate Chain Coalition (EEIP is a member of the CCC)
Yale Open Labs
Venue Sponsor:
Henk Rogers and the Blue Planet Alliance
Event Agenda: 430pm to 7pm
Welcoming Remarks: 10 minutes
Hosts and Sponsors
Vision for a Global Climate Action Data Center: 10 minutes
Miroslav Polzer, IAAI GloCha
Global Open Climate Ledger: 15 minutes
Martin Wainstein, Yale Open Labs
Launch of Adaptation Ledger: 15 minutes
Ira Feldman, Adaptation Ledger
Additional presenters (5-10 minutes each):
Juan Manuel Gómez López, XM a subsidiary of the ISA Group
Anaitee Mills, IDB and climate finance advisor to PM of Jamaica
Joseph Pallant, Blockchain for Climate Foundation
Ari Eisenstat, Blockchain for Human Rights
Amy Seidman, NobleProfit BFlow
Nicholas Manthley, Synergy Blockchain Technology
More member presentations to be confirmed
Networking Opportunity: 6pm to 7pm (or longer)