ICP District Energy: FINAL Technical Forum webinar
Date | 12 April 2018 |
Details | 10:00 - 11:00 |
Location | webinar |
Technical Forum meeting to develop District Energy Protocol of the Investor Confidence Project.
Register for 1h FINAL webinar here
The ICP project supports growth of investments in district energy in Europe (next to industry and street lighting). Via implementing an easy, robust, best practice based project process, it will increase predictability of results finally increasing confidence in the market and between clients, energy service companies/project developers and finance actors.
More about how it works here
All stakeholders along the value chain of district energy projects are invited to join the Technical Forum. For more information on how to join, the work flow etc, please fell free to contact Rod Janssen (rod.janssen(at)ee-ip.org )
For further information on the ICP project, please check the ICP project website
You can register for the 1h FINAL webinar here
While the final draft of the district energy protocol will be presented and discussed during this webinar, please feel also free to join the Technical Forum anytime to stay updated following the release of the protocol.
The protocol itself is developed together with leading experts, contribution from the broad Technical Forum and input from specialists around the world.