Roundtable on Financing Industrial Energy Efficiency

Date 18 October 2017
Details Full Day
Location Brussels

On October 19th there will be a special invitation only roundtable to discuss EEFIG recommendations and how the industrial sector fits into the EU’s overall energy efficiency strategy.

There is limited space but if you would like more information and would like to attend, please contact rod.janssen(at) (president EEIP).




The 2015 Final Report of EEFIG (Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group) provided the following recommendations concerning industry:  

  • The policy framework should positively support strong corporate energy efficiency investment choices at key points in their investment cycle
  • Public resources and facilitation should be engaged to establish dynamic and effective systems for sharing information and technical experience
  • Ensure EU and national policies and resources are working effectively together to drive R&D and optimal energy efficiency outcomes
  • Support the clarification of the regulatory, fiscal and accounting treatment and standardisation of Energy Performance Contracts
  • Energy efficiency opportunity identification and investible project pipelines should be supported with Project Development Assistance facilities for SMEs  

EEFIG [link -] has helped raise the profile of industrial energy efficiency but these recommendations remain, for the most part, unfulfilled. On October 19th there will be a special invitation only roundtable to discuss these recommendations and how the industrial sector fits into the EU’s overall energy efficiency strategy. There is an excellent group of panellists that will discuss some of the crucial issues facing policymakers and practitioners. 

Some of the issues under discussion include:  

  • What will be the impact of further efforts to “de-risk” investments? Is there room for further standardization of the investment process?  
  • How can the “perceived” risk been brought down to the “real risk?  
  • How do we encourage industry to consider energy efficiency investments as strategic decisions for improving their overall competitiveness?  
  • What more can be done to ensure economic energy efficiency measures are implemented?  
  • How do we motivate more private investment activity for financing industrial energy efficiency?  Is there the possibility of bundling projects to reduce transaction costs and make them more interesting to financial institutions?  
  • Have the mandatory audits under the Energy Efficiency Directive led to significant investments? If not, why?  If not, how?  
  • Can policy changes at EU or national levels encourage more investment in industrial energy efficiency measures?  

These are important issues and following the roundtable, Chairman’s Conclusions will be prepared and distributed to members of the EU institutions and relevant stakeholders.

There is limited space but if you would like more information and would like to attend, please contact rod.janssen(at) (president EEIP)