SUSl Partners

SUSl Partners

SUSI Partners AG is a socially and ecologically responsible Swiss investment advisor to Sustainable SàRL. A sustainable asset manager offering quality products in the sustainable asset class intended for qualified investors seeking to diversify their portfolio. Each of Sustainable SàRL’s funds is guided by the following principles: attractive returns low or no correlation with the stock market evident and measurable sustainable contribution (financial, ecological, social) SUSI advises Sustainable to deliver investment vehicles that minimize risk, provide complete transparency, and enable investors to achieve consistent, reliable returns throughout the long-term. As a responsible investment advisor, we believe that it is necessary to assess the possible future implications of each venture. We view sustainability not only as a best-in-class approach or as a negative screen, but also as a pledge to foster ecologically and socially responsible values in projects and assets. All of our investments contribute to the control of global warming and support sustainable economic growth.

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