Cooperation Partners

CircLean Network

CircLean Network

The CircLean Network: European network of businesses and SMEs for Industrial Symbiosis. The purpose of the CircLean is to mobilise industries and relevant stakeholders to overcome the barriers of industrial symbiosis' uptake in Europe, and to seize business opportunities.

Climate Chain Coalition

Climate Chain Coalition

The Climate Chain Coalition (CCC) is an open global initiative to support collaboration among members and stakeholders to advance blockchain (distributed ledger technology) and related digital solutions (e.g. IoT, big data) to help mobilize climate finance and enhance MRV (measurement, reporting and verification) to scale…

Davos Energy Week

Davos Energy Week

Davos Energy Week is a three-day event, the main goal of which is to draw the attention of the world's business leaders of the key issues of the energy industry. It includes a series of online panels, keynotes, presentations, startup pitches and other activities enhanced by offline engagements for the participants - top managers…

Decarb Europe

Decarb Europe

The goal of DecarbEurope is to engage decision-makers in policy and industry with solutions that can, in a cost-effective manner, decarbonize Europe at the scale and speed that is needed to achieve our climate goals. As an ecosystem of 20 sectors—and growing—the initiative connects technologies, policies, and markets in a…



DENEFF is a cross-industry network of leading companies advocating for ambitious and effective energy efficiency policy. It aims for a maximum reduction in energy consumption through efficiency, technology neutrality and the creation of conditions for efficiency services.



The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) is a major market-changing undertaking supported by the European Commission bringing together cities, industries, SMEs, investors, researchers and other smart city actors.

Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group

Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group

The Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (EEFIG) was established in 2013 by the European Commission Directorate-General for Energy (DG Energy) and United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP FI). It created an open dialogue and work platform for public and private financial institutions, industry…

European Heat Pump Association (EHPA)

European Heat Pump Association (EHPA)

The European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) represents the majority of the European heat pump industry. Its members comprise of heat pump and component manufacturers, research institutes, universities, testing labs and energy agencies. Its key goal is to promote awareness and proper deployment of heat pump technology in the…

Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI)

Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI)

Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI) is the economic development agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. With more than 50 offices in Germany and abroad, and its network of partners throughout the world, GTAI supports German companies setting up in foreign markets, promotes Germany as a business location and assists foreign…

Hannover Messe

Hannover Messe

The world’s largest and most comprehensive industrial technology event – covers all core themes of the industrial value-adding chain at a single location – from individual components to the complete smart factory. Hot topics such as Integrated Energy, Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Energy Efficiency,…

Investor Confidence Project (ICP)

Investor Confidence Project (ICP)

Investor Confidence Project unlocks the potential of energy efficiency as a global asset class by standardizing how energy efficiency projects are developed, documented and measured. By streamlining transactions and increasing the reliability of projected energy savings, ICP Europe intends to build a marketplace for standardized…

Leonardo ENERGY

Leonardo ENERGY

Leonardo ENERGY, the Global Community for Sustainable Energy Professionals, aims to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable energy economy through education and advocacy. Leonardo ENERGY provides free education and training and promotes the exchange of expertise. It publishes Good Practice Guides, tutorials and…

Media Partners

Energy in Demand

Energy in Demand

Energy in Demand is an independent view of the world of sustainable energy. With a focus on Europe, it considers global developments in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and the policy context of climate change. Energy in Demand is not new. It started in 1990 as a quarterly newsletter and continued through to 1999. Many of…

Blog with news, information and discussions about energy efficiency, renewable energy & startups in the energy industry.

TIMGlobal Media

TIMGlobal Media

TIMGlobal Media (formerly Thomas Industrial Media) concentrates upon meeting the need of industrial professionals for up-to-date product information. Since 1975, we have served the European market with industrial publications, websites and e-media.

Content Partner



Stay Online focuses on products for data and power infrastructure. They offer technical products that are typically hard-to-find elsewhere. Stay Online manufactures Power Cords and Adapters, Wiring Harnesses, and PDU Whips. Their Underwriter Laboratories (UL) files are E250704, E334382, and E338977. They mold and mechanically…

SUSl Partners

SUSl Partners

SUSI Partners AG is a socially and ecologically responsible Swiss investment advisor to Sustainable SàRL. A sustainable asset manager offering quality products in the sustainable asset class intended for qualified investors seeking to diversify their portfolio. Each of Sustainable SàRL’s funds is guided by the following…

SWEP International

SWEP International

Challenge Efficiency: At SWEP, we believe our future rests on giving more energy than we take – from our planet and our people. That’s why we pour our energy into leading the conversion to sustainable energy usage in heat transfer. Over three decades, the SWEP brand has become synonymous with challenging efficiency.

SWEP is a…

Technomar GmbH

Technomar GmbH

Founded in 1978 as an institute for technologically oriented market research and business consultancy located in Munich, Germany.

14 highly qualified engineers, physicists, economists and business economists with technical and economical expertise and long-term industrial experience.

Technomar has a close network of associated…

text & form GmbH

text & form GmbH

Worldwide: text&form's expertise in creating custom translation solutions helps companies market their products to international audiences in the languages they understand best: their own.

Founded in 1996, text&form's client portfolio includes companies from a wide range of industries such as IT, automation, energy, and…

Turboden S.p.A.

Turboden S.p.A.

Turboden, a Mitsubishi Heavy Industries company, is a global leader in the design, manufacture and service of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbogenerators, which harness heat to generate electric and thermal power from renewable sources (biomass, geothermal and solar energy) and waste heat from industrial processes, waste…

VIDEC Data Engineering GmbH

VIDEC Data Engineering GmbH

The VIDEC GmbH is a leading supplier of software systems in the field of automation and information technology with long-standing technical know-how. VIDEC provides consulting, support and training. VIDEC’s standard products are designed for a cross-industry applications.


VIDEC is serving a wide range of industry sectors …

Visual Selling GbR

Visual Selling GbR

Visual Selling – Visual. Digital. Sustainable.

In specially developed workshop-formats we enable our customers, to lower down their operative costs, save carbon emissions and increase their sales success. Our customers are enabled to use live-visualizations to explain complex products, services and ideas in a clear, vidid, and…

Warwick Analytics

Warwick Analytics

Warwick Analytics provides Automated Predictive Analytics. Decision-makers in every industry know how powerful predictive analytics can be to support and enhance their decisions.

A3 is the world’s first automated predictive analytics platform. Proprietary algorithms, spun out of a decade of academic research, transform data &…

Wattline GmbH

Wattline GmbH

wattline - Energie intelligent optimiert


Die wattline GmbH ist der führenden unabhängige Energiedienstleister für Gewerbe- und Industriekunden in Deutschland & Österreich. wattline OPTIMIERT den Energieeinkauf, REDUZIERT den Energieverbrauch und BERÄT Unternehmen umfassend in energierelevanten Themen sowie beim Senken von…