Dirty Truth about Heat Exchangers
In this article, Matt Gutschow, co-founder of HeatCalc, provides some insights into the topic of heat exchanger fouling. What is fouling? What are the effects and what are solutions to prevent or at least control fouling in energy recovery projects using heat exchangers. Matt built his insights on the basis of hundreds of heat recovery projects in industry he has investigated over previous years.
Read Full Business PracticeAsset managing your data on the way to electrification
By taking an asset management approach to your data, you can generate value both in the short and the longer term. If you think of asset management in terms of real estate, it is the process of…
Read Full articleCalling All Global Leaders in Clean Energy
The Clean Energy Ministerial invites your organization to compete for a prestigious global award by sharing your experiences in implementing energy management strategies through ISO 50001.…
Read Full articleEnergy Insights: The Secret Sauce for the Food and Beverage Industry
Harnessing Energy Management to Drive Profitability and Sustainability The food and beverage industry faces significant pressures from rising costs, intense competition, and increasing demands for…
Read Full article3 Ways utilities will benefit from 5G
Despite the hype over 5G, it’s still years away from being fully deployed. But utilities should start now in planning how it will benefit their operations. 5G is the fifth generation of mobile…
Read Full articleFinancing Energy Efficiency
Meet EEIP at the EASME event on Financing Energy Efficiency This event, held in Brussels, will present a selection of on-going initiatives at local, national and European levels that are demonstrating that energy efficiency can be financed on a large…
DetailsInnovative Energy Efficiency in the European Food and Beverage Industry: A Holistic Human-Centered Approach
Introduction to the INDUCE Project The INDUCE project, a significant initiative under the Horizon 2020 framework, aims to foster energy efficiency within the food and beverage sector across Europe. It…
Read Full articleHow to generate long-term value creation through operationalisation of sustainability data
This article aims to outline best practices for operationalizing sustainability performance data and emphasize the benefits of fully embedding sustainability within operational strategy. Many firms…
Read Full articleBlockchain in the energy sector is moving forward - Key takeaways from the EventHorizon 2018
First published here A decommissioned power plant in Berlin finally was brim-full of energy again when experts of the energy and blockchain sector entered the stage at the Event Horizon 2018. “Flip…
Read Full articleFuture of Biofuels 2021
This year "Future of Biofuels 2021" will focus on 2nd generation biofuels & biobased e-fuels and its production and use in maritime and aviation. Transport sectors face the need of decarbonisation and meeting sustainability goals set by national…