Stimulating Consumer Demand for Energy Efficiency Investments
The European Green Deal calls for an ambitious approach to both developing an appropriate policy foundation and effective implementation for energy efficiency. The policy framework is currently being…
Read Full articleEnergy Transition of the EU Building Stock
The report entitled “Energy Transition of the EU Building Stock -Unleashing the 4thIndustrial Revolution in Europe” estimates the EU energy renovation market at EUR 109 billion in 2015 and 882,900…
Read Full articleIs REPowerEU able to accelerate transition to renewable energies and improve energy security?
The European Commission continues releasing extensive legislative and strategic packages one after the other: Fit for 55, Hydrogen and Gas Package, REPowerEU. The REPowerEU package was a quick…
Read Full articleMore national climate policies expected, but how effective are the existing ones?
Author: European Environment Agency In 2019, EU Member States reported that they had already adopted or were planning to adopt 1925 national policies and corresponding measures to reduce greenhouse…
Read Full articleHow much can energy management actually save?
There’s no debate on the importance of the concept of energy management – a structured process through which organisations seek to optimise their energy use. Its definition and practice is codified…
Read Full articleSecuring Energy Efficiency to Secure the Energy Union
How Energy Efficiency meets the EU Climate and Energy Goals The JRC report (download link above) provides scientific evidence to support the “Efficiency First” principle considered by the Energy Union…
Read Full articleRegulatory Barriers for Energy Service Companies
This publication focuses on these regulatory barriers. Over the months of April to November 2021, the Global ESCO Network has conducted a series of interviews with representatives of partner…
Read Full article40th Euroheat & Power Congress - #21EHPcong
The Euroheat & Power Congress revolves around the theme of District Energy and aims at providing a unique platform to share, discuss and learn about the various prospects and issues pertaining to the European and Global District Energy sectors. Take…
DetailsNew report from JRC: Enabling Positive Energy Districts across Europe: energy efficiency couples renewable energy
From an energy perspective, zero or positive energy districts (PED) provide opportunities to achieve cost-effective levels of high-energy efficiency and renewable energy systems. This newly published…
Read Full articleMake or break for EU Industry
The Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (EEFIG) established by the European Commission and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) has just published its final…
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