Start-up BATINEW: 1pg process description for neighbourhood infrastructure
Neighbourhood infrastructure: A one page process description on how to achieve 80% of renewable energy through various steps. The process covers collecting and separation of waste, process it through THERMOLYSIS, store 50% BIOPRODUCTION through ELECTRICAL COGENERATION, using HEAT PUMPS with PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS and HEAT MUTUALIZATION. Find out more about their innovative upcoming projects in the…
Read Full Business PracticeGKD - Gebr Kufferath AG - compressed air from the roof
Compressed air from the roof: metal weaver saves 20 % energy: The applications of the metal meshes produced by GKD – Gebr. Kufferath AG range from microfilters for inkjet printers to automotive filtration, and from process belt mesh for dryers and ovens to challenging architectural projects. The company is based in Düren, Germany, and is the world‘s leading technical weaver. A compressor station…
Read Full Business PracticeGlass Industry: 16 Emerging Technologies for Energy-efficiency and GHG Emissions Reduction
First published here Glass production is a highly energy-intensive industrial process. The container and flat glass industries (which combined account for 80% of glass production) emit over 60 million…
Read Full articleIEA Global Conference on Energy Efficiency 2018
Meet EEIP at the IEA Global Conference on Energy Efficiency 2018. The International Energy Agency’s third annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency will convene dignitaries and leaders from across the globe. The aim is to share insights and…
DetailsMicrosoft details long-term plan for becoming carbon negative
Microsoft executives announced plans today for the company to become carbon negative by 2030, and then by 2050 to remove all the carbon from the environment that Microsoft has emitted directly or…
Read Full articleGreen Revolution - Medium-sized companies show the way. Lessons from two spanish companies in the chemical industry
The path towards a more sustainable and ecological industry is not easy and sometimes SMEs (Small and Medium sized Enterprises) struggle to understand why and how conversion towards a more…
Read Full articleUshering in the decade of digital
2019 was quite a year for “digitalization” in the Utility sector. Almost every major gathering of Utility peers sported the digital theme in some way shape or form. Internal presentations and meeting…
Read Full articleGKD – Gebr. Kufferath AG: Druckluft vom Dach
Druckluft vom Dach - Metallweberei spart 20 % Energie: Vom Feinstfilter für Tintenstrahldrucker über Filtertechnik im Automobil, Prozessbandgewebe für Trockner und Öfen erstreckt sich der Anwendungsbereich von Metallgeweben der GKD – Gebr. Kufferath AG. Das Unternehmen im rheinischen Düren ist Weltmarktführer unter den technischen Webereien. Mit einer Kompressorstation auf dem Werkshallendach…
Read Full Business Practice6th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency
The International Energy Agency’s 6th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency will draw together a high-level audience from around the world and will be a major input to the IEA-COP26 Net Zero Summit the following day. The Global Conference on…
DetailsEU Sustainable Energy Week 2016
WHAT? The Policy Conference is the most important European conference dedicated to sustainable energy policy issues. Sessions organised by the European Commission and energy stakeholders debate new policy developments, best practices and sustainable…