An Integrated Approach for Industrial Symbiosis: the CORALIS project

03 December 2020 by Erika Maugeri
An Integrated Approach for Industrial Symbiosis: the CORALIS project


Industrial Symbiosis (IS) aims to mimic the functioning of ecological systems. A consortium of 29 partners will work together aiming at: Decarbonising the resource and energy intensive industry sectors (REIIs)

The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. The project has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 958337. CLICK HERE for all the latest news from CORALIS, view or download the press release. To know more about the aspirations ofCORALIS visit the European Commission's website. Click here for the full press release from CorALIS: For more information about the project click here. Back to the page you came from the EU’s press release: Click here for more information on how to read the full transcript. From the full article: Click through the full report.

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An Integrated Approach for Industrial Symbiosis: the CORALIS project

The high potential of Industrial Symbiosis (IS) for energy and resource savings lies in the creation of “an interconnected network which strives to mimic the functioning of ecological systems, within which energy and materials cycle continually with no waste products produced”.




Given its future prospects, several initiatives have been taken for enhancing the knowledge base for IS in Europe such as EU support networks for industrial symbiosis and European Innovation Partnerships. However, an integrated approach is still needed for especially concerning the implementation and operation phases which mus be supported by harmonised frameworks and data reporting structures ensuring accuracy and compatibility in existing and new IS initiatives.




In order to make IS a wide-spread commercial reality, CORALIS has been designed as a demonstration project for the deployment of IS solutions, based on an IS readiness level concept, for real experiences destined to end users overcoming the current barriers and addressing three factors:




1. Technological factors (TRL) - decarbonization of industrial areas, transition to circular economy;


2. Managerial factors (MRL) - tools and procedures;


3. Economic factors (ERL) - business models.




A consortium of 29 partners will work together aiming at:


  • Decarbonise the resource and energy intensive industry sectors (REIIs) by means of an IS integrated approach combining new business and management strategies;
  • Acquire deeper understanding on IS performance and conditioning factors;
  • Promote IS projects and delivering novel tools for processes monitoring and data sharing;
  • Enhance symbiotic interactions by defining new methodologies for economic evaluation and business models;
  • Implement new symbiotic value chains in three real industrial areas for their decarbonization;
  • Provide guidance to three industrial areas in successfully exploiting identified symbiosis synergies;
  • Raise awareness and ensure the exploitation of the IS potential in REIIs by fostering cooperation, knowledge transfer among stakeholders while contributing to standardisation and policy bodies.




To know more about the aspirations of CORALIS, view or download the press release.






This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 958337. The responsibility for the information and the views set out in this press release lies entirely with the authors. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.


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