The key to scaling up energy efficiency – new business models and structures
The level of investment in energy efficiency required to meet climate and energy security targets is significantly higher than both the current levels, and the levels that can be financed by public…
Read Full articleFinancing energy efficiency work continues: from EEFIG to EEEFinCoalition
The European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition (EEEFinCoalition) has been launched today at the European Commission . Its objective is facilitate a dialogue, ensuring a favourable market…
Read Full articleGoing DEEP
In addressing our long-term climate and energy goals, we seriously need to upscale investments in energy efficiency, because reducing demand is a major element in reducing GHG emissions. The Energy…
Read Full articlePowering Europe's Clean Energy Future: Key Elements of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive
The European Union has taken a major step forward in its efforts to combat climate change and reduce energy consumption with the adoption of a Energy Efficiency Directive . This landmark legislation…
Read Full articleTOP 3 Articles 1st half 2018
1 - The benefit of compressed air systems becoming smart - a Boge example. Industry 4.0 in practice: from product to solutions: Boge compressed air example of how the combination of a smart product,…
Read Full articleManagEnergy MasterClasses
The Master Classes are a new and innovative way to increase the capacity of energy agencies to place themselves at the forefront of energy investments across Europe. Consisting of 16 hours of interactive tuition and training , the classes focus on…
DetailsCovenant of Mayors Investment Forum - Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place
The 2021 edition of the Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum - energy efficiency finance market place is jointly organised by the European Commission’s Directorates-Generals for Energy and Climate Action and the Executive Agency for Small and…
DetailsShowcasing the need to improve energy performance of industry
In January 2020, the European Commission presented its European Green Deal investment Plan tol mobilise EU funding and create an enabling framework to facilitate and stimulate the public and private…
Read Full articleDistrict Energy: We need your technical expertise - help us “unlock” access to financing
Tuesday, 16 January, 10-11 AM CET: 1 hour kick-off webinar - register here The district energy project has started and a first draft covering scope, structure and types of projects was developed with…
Read Full articleJoint Declaration on the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition - Signed by Commission and all Member States
A Joint Declaration on energy efficiency financing and the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition (Coalition) has been signed today by the Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson and the Energy…
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