Energy revolution starts with Smart grids
Building safe, secure and efficient energy infrastructure is one of the EU's top goals which is going to be boosted by an investment of almost 1 billion euros. About 84% of this amount should be used…
Read Full articleHow waste heat recovery will change the landscapes
Each year industries across Europe allow a valuable source of heat energy to simply escape out their chimneys. An EU-funded project called ETEKINA has reimagined a decades-old technology called heat…
Read Full articleArtificial Intelligence in Energy Management Software
This is not a blog about AI, machine learning or even deep learning. It is about a quick review on how far energy management software (EMS) has developed over the last years. And if we can see first…
Read Full articleEnergy efficiency in the spotlight at HM17
More growth for less energy consumption? Energy efficiency can make it happen. This year, the Energy show at HANNOVER MESSE will again feature a large number of companies demonstrating precisely this…
Read Full articleThe smart city puzzle: cities, platforms and service provider
Many articles about smart cities start with a definition of what a smart city is or should be. But if this would be so easy, then there would already be common definition and no need to define it…
Read Full article45% TCO – industrial pumps fight for efficiency
Why Fighting? Because energy costs represent up to 45 percent of Total Cost of Ownership for industrial pumps! [Source: World Pumps Journal] That said, the main lever for companies to get a good…
Read Full articleCould Ammonia be an energy black swan?
The ammonia market is worth about 33 billion dollars accounting for a staggering 1.8% of global carbon emissions. Produced under super high pressures from Hydrogen and Nitrogen; Ammonia production is…
Read Full articleWhat is cold local heat?
At first glance, it sounds strange when cold local heating is to take over the heat supply. Is that a contradiction? No, cold heat really does exist. It is a heat supply with relatively low…
Read Full articleHow to enter a 100 billion Euro market? – Industrial Energy Efficiency in Germany [WEBINAR EEIP & GTAI]
How to enter a 100 billion market? - webinar with EEIP & GTAI On Wednesday, the 12th of October 2016 , EEIP and GT&I (German Trade & Invest, agency of German ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy) are running 2 joint webinars to showcase business…
DetailsSENSOR+TEST 2017
Meet EEIP German team at Sensor & Test 2017 Flavio Steinbach, +49 (0)177 862.03.61 or Simone Ciolek, +49 (0)163 297.10.82 From the 30th of May to the 1st of June, the SENSOR+TEST in Nürnberg will once again be the hub of the world of sensor,…