Green groups outline their priorities to make Europe’s industry a global leader
As Europe prepares to embrace a new industrial revolution in the aftermath of the covid-19 crisis, green groups have outlined their priorities to make Europe’s industry a global leader. A clean and…
Read Full articleNordic Edge - Smart Cities and new role for EEIP
EEIP @ Nordic Edge... The European Commission brings together key players from across the continent to present and discuss Horizon Europe, the new framework for improving the lives for the majority of people in Europe. European Innovation Partnership…
DetailseLITHE project ignites the future of Sustainable Ceramic Industry decarbonization
The Horizon Europe project eLITHE kicked off at the beginning of January 2024, marking a significant milestone in the quest for sustainable industrial practices. An EU-funded project – eLITHE – has…
Read Full articleIs REPowerEU able to accelerate transition to renewable energies and improve energy security?
The European Commission continues releasing extensive legislative and strategic packages one after the other: Fit for 55, Hydrogen and Gas Package, REPowerEU. The REPowerEU package was a quick…
Read Full articleEurope’s energy-intensive industries coping with covid crisis while trying to stay on sustainable path
Europe’s industry has significant challenges today. We are fortunate that the European Union provides a robust policy framework for industry that covers many themes: climate change, energy efficiency,…
Read Full articleThe new age of clean technology manufacturing
We are at the dawn of a new industrial age – the age of clean energy technology manufacturing – that is creating major new markets and millions of jobs. A perfect fit to our urgency to decarbonise…
Read Full articleChemical Industry could go totally carbon neutral
The chemical industry could become carbon neutral, new research indicates. Switzerland’s Federal Council has decided that the country should become carbon-neutral by 2050. This may be challenging as…
Read Full articleArtificial Intelligence in Energy Management Software
This is not a blog about AI, machine learning or even deep learning. It is about a quick review on how far energy management software (EMS) has developed over the last years. And if we can see first…
Read Full articleAluminum Industry: 10 Emerging Technologies for Energy-efficiency and GHG Emissions Reduction
Aluminum production is one of the most energy-intensive industrial processes worldwide. Although about a third of global aluminum production uses electricity from hydropower sources, the increasing…
Read Full articleOnward we go – starting the credentialing process for ICP Europe industry projects
The Investor Confidence Project, funded by the European Commission, was brought to Europe to develop a system to give confidence to all active stakeholders. There are still concerns that investing in…
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