Artificial Intelligence in Energy Management Software
This is not a blog about AI, machine learning or even deep learning. It is about a quick review on how far energy management software (EMS) has developed over the last years. And if we can see first…
Read Full articleAluminum Industry: 10 Emerging Technologies for Energy-efficiency and GHG Emissions Reduction
Aluminum production is one of the most energy-intensive industrial processes worldwide. Although about a third of global aluminum production uses electricity from hydropower sources, the increasing…
Read Full articleRussia's hydrogen for Japan
Russia is all set to gain a foothold in the global hydrogen sector in what looks like a bid to be a key supplier for Japan, which has ambitious targets for adoption of the fuel by 2050. Japan's plans…
Read Full articleDistrict heating: balancing green energy with end-user needs
As district heating companies search for new sources of low-carbon energy to distribute to customers, they find themselves serving both energy supplier and end-user. What challenges does their…
Read Full articleThe AI Act: Shaping Europe's Digital Future and Transforming the Energy Sector
Here is the question: what are the main topics of the AI Act, just published in the Official Journal and thus will apply on 1st of August? And what are top-line implications on energy sectors, both…
Read Full article2019 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry (ACEEE)
Industrial Summer Study Overview We believe industrial efficiency plays an integral role in building a sustainable future. The key: empowered people. By laying a solid foundation with smart policies and addressing challenges with new processes and…
DetailsNew JRC report: Untapping multiple benefits: hidden values in environmental and building policies
The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) has recently published an important new research study on how we can untap the multi benefits from improved energy efficiency in our buildings…
Read Full article17.02: Live briefing/PK on the results of the winter survey of the "Energy Efficiency Index of German Industry".
The 2020 winter survey of the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) shows a renewed increase in the importance of energy efficiency within German industry. While it was already apparent in the summer that the…
Read Full articleIndicators and common factors that help to determine the impact of EU projects promoting energy efficiency
A study into 41 EU-funded energy efficiency projects across Europe looked at primary energy savings, greenhouse gas (GHG) savings, investment triggered, market stakeholders with increased skills on…
Read Full articleSpace-Based Solar Energy: Harnessing the Sun's Power from Orbit
Introduction to Space-Based Solar Energy Space-based solar energy (SBSE) represents a revolutionary approach to energy generation, aiming to collect solar power directly in space and transmit it back…
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