Hydrogen on the Horizon: Shaping the Energy Future
In the midst of the global transition towards sustainable energy, hydrogen is increasingly being recognized as a pivotal player. With governments, corporations, and research institutions exploring its…
Read Full articleFeeding the world, preserving the planet
Do you know the environmental impact of the sandwich you had for lunch? Food production requires about 30 percent of the world’s total energy consumption and is still highly reliant on fossil fuels .…
Read Full articleThe clean energy race - EU fights back with new green industry and critical raw materials legislation
The starting gun on the global clean energy race has long been fired — now Europe is finally getting out of the stalls. Two new proposals, unveiled by the European Commission on Thursday, are meant to…
Read Full articleFinding your own energy transition
We are bombarded daily with news about climate change, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainability, the circular economy, the energy transition, and so on. It is hard to know how much we…
Read Full articleBoosting the Hydrogen Revolution: The Role of a European Hydrogen Bank
The transition to renewable energy sources is no longer just an option; it is an urgent necessity. Hydrogen, particularly renewable hydrogen, has emerged as a cornerstone in the EU's energy transition…
Read Full articleUnlocking the Power of Industrial Symbiosis: How Data Exchange Fuels Collaboration and Innovation
The following article is a summary of the report “Overview of data exchange channels and their implementation” delivered by the EU project CORALIS. And it is also a training article for the Enerwhizz…
Read Full articleRussia's hydrogen for Japan
Russia is all set to gain a foothold in the global hydrogen sector in what looks like a bid to be a key supplier for Japan, which has ambitious targets for adoption of the fuel by 2050. Japan's plans…
Read Full articleDigital platforms in the energy sector – definition & first applications
Integrating renewables into the electricity system is a challenging task. Currently, different concepts of how to do this are being discussed. In our last two posts we focussed on different concepts…
Read Full articleConnecting the dots of Energy Efficiency Directive with sustainable finance reporting. The full potential unlocked.
During this summer, the European Commission published in the OJ (Official Journal) a series of Recommendations and guidelines, addressed to member states, for the transposition of the Energy…
Read Full articleWorld Energy Outlook 2022 - global energy crisis: a historic turning point towards a cleaner and more secure future
For the first time, global demand for each of the fossil fuels shows a peak or plateau across all WEO scenarios, with Russian exports in particular falling significantly as the world energy order is…
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