'A Massive Victory': BlackRock CEO Promises to Center Climate Change in Investment Strategy
The firm, which manages nearly $7 trillion in assets, claims it will ensure sustainability is a key factor in investment strategies moving forward. In a letter to investors Tuesday, Larry Fink, CEO of…
Read Full articleWhat the energy efficiency community can learn from the Club of Rome
One step at a time We are confronting a lot of doom and gloom. On the one hand, we have the student climate activists and the Extinction Rebellion shaking our complacency to show that globally we are…
Read Full articleICP partners made it!
ICP Partners help spread the Investor Ready Energy Efficiency TM (IREE) Certification scheme in local countries In a nutshell… The Investor Confidence Project (ICP) Europe is tackling two of the main…
Read Full articleNordic Edge - Smart Cities and new role for EEIP
EEIP @ Nordic Edge... The European Commission brings together key players from across the continent to present and discuss Horizon Europe, the new framework for improving the lives for the majority of people in Europe. European Innovation Partnership…
DetailsBuilding Lasting Symbiotic Relationships: Business Agreements in Industrial Symbiosis
The following article is a summary of the report “Reference documents, good practices and templates to sustain legal environments for IS-casesdelivered by the EU project CORALIS. And it is also a…
Read Full articleSustainable bioenergy and its crucial role in driving the green transition in industries
The annual EU Industry Days together with the EU Industry Week (local events) are Europe’s flagship annual events dedicated to the industry playing an important role in showcasing latest innovations…
Read Full articleIndustrial processes going digital
Best practices from EU-funded projects. Learning from the experience of industries in adapting to the digital transition: RETROFEED, SHIP2FAIR, SOWHAT & ECOFACT projects. A recent webinar shows once…
Read Full articleThe time is right: Industrial Policy and the European Green Deal
This week, there is a big article in the Financial Times about how Brussels is re-tooling industrial policy. The focus of the article is on how there is increasing support to develop the battery…
Read Full articleNew Utility Business Model: leverage customer base
New Utility Busines Model: leverage customer base The typical utility model of the past is dead. The rise of renewables is often mentioned as one of the key reasons. Giant utilities were and are…
Read Full articleRoundtable on Financing Industrial Energy Efficiency, October 19th
October 19th, Brussels - Roundtable on Financing Industrial Energy Efficiency On October 19th there will be a special invitation only roundtable to discuss EEFIG (Energy Efficiency Institutions Group)…
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