Reflections on the European Commission’s proposal for a European Green Deal
If we are in a climate crisis, it is time to leave no stone unturned. In the 1970s, there were two major oil crises and action was mobilised on many fronts. The International Energy Agency was created…
Read Full articleSmart Energy Fest - EEIP in Chile @ Latin America conference
Smart Energy Fest is an international meeting platform around energy efficiency, its impact on sustainable development and the collaborative construction of new opportunities for the future. Smart Energy Fest is open to different actors: companies,…
DetailsThe smart city puzzle: cities, platforms and service provider
Many articles about smart cities start with a definition of what a smart city is or should be. But if this would be so easy, then there would already be common definition and no need to define it…
Read Full articleH2020-funded project RETROFEED kicks off in Brussels
Implementing smart retrofitting frameworks in the process industry towards its operation with variable, biobased and circular feedstock The 26 th and 27 th November 2019 mark the official launch of…
Read Full articleElectric Vehicles & Heat Pumps: Electric motors play a crucial role in the energy transition
Electric motors are implicated in two major decarbonisation options involving electrification: electric vehicles (EVs) and heat pumps. This will lead to a significant market growth, as well as growing…
Read Full articleMatchmaking event in Energy Efficiency EU-Argentina
The Low Carbon and Circular Economy Business Action (LCBA) and Energy Efficiency in Argentina programs, both funded by the European Union, aim to connect European technology providers with energy efficiency projects in Argentina. Join this first…
DetailsINDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS: Business enablers and technology drivers
The industrial symbiosis (IS) technology is a very high item in the EU agenda, because of its great potential in terms of energy savings and therefore and the first step towards a more circular economy. But several questions are still pending: - What…
DetailsTOP 3 Energy Efficiency articles 1st half 2018
1 - The benefit of compressed air systems becoming smart - a Boge example. Industry 4.0 in practice: from product to solutions: Boge compressed air example of how the combination of a smart product,…
Read Full articleTOP 3 Articles 1st half 2018
1 - The benefit of compressed air systems becoming smart - a Boge example. Industry 4.0 in practice: from product to solutions: Boge compressed air example of how the combination of a smart product,…
Read Full articleCEMBUREAU’s roadmap towards #Cement2050 – a Carbon Neutrality Roadmap
The European Cement Association, CEMBUREAU , the representative organisation of the cement industry in Europe and spokesperson for the cement industry before the EU institutions and other public…
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