From Industrial Symbiosis to Hubs for Circularity, the IS2H4C Projects kicks-off!
On 14-15 of February, the IS2H4C consortium met in Enschede, Netherlands, to kick-off the 4-years project, aligning on objectives, timelines, communication, and coordination planning for the first…
Read Full articleThe Alliance4ECEI hosts the Digital tools as enablers of more efficient energy consumption in industrial waste heat/cold recovery webinar, as part of the Sustainable Energy Days
The Alliance for Energy Cooperation in European Industries ( Alliance4ECEI ) will hold the online session Digital tools as enablers of more efficient energy consumption in industrial waste heat/cold…
Read Full articleThe Mechanics of Ceramics: How the Industry Can Decarbonize
Although the world’s industries have tried to transition to more sustainable methods, the annual global extraction of materials has tripled over the last 50 years. In Europe’s ceramics industry has…
WHO WE ARE EEIP is a neutral, open and global business and policy platform for the energy transition. Founded in 2011, we are serving a 150.000 user network through our multi-channel platform. EEIP is…
Read Full articleMapping energy use for a fossil fuel-free Europe
Heat Roadmap Europe provides the data that engineers need to decarbonise heating and cooling systems. Meet the project that has inspired EMB3Rs and is redesigning our energy sector. When Danish Prime…
Read Full articleDeep decarbonisation of industry: The cement sector
Headlines Fossil fuel combustion to meet heating needs accounts for 35% of cement’s CO2 emissions. The remaining 65% are due to direct process emissions, which must also be addressed. The biomass use…
Read Full articleAn Uber for heat: How a new platform can help industries reuse excess heat and meet decarbonisation goals
Mafalda Silva is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering ( INEGI ) at the University of Porto. She has a PhD in Sustainable Energy…
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