Blockchain will be the next GDPR
What has been apparent for a long time to all of us involved in energy efficiency at business and industry is that the communication layer is the foundation of nascent energy system. It will radically…
Read Full articleTowards Zero Emission Mobility in European Transport
Thirteen companies and industry associations from European industry have joined forces and identified key tasks on the upcoming European Union Low Emission Mobility Package. Representing the…
Read Full articleJoint Declaration on the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition - Signed by Commission and all Member States
A Joint Declaration on energy efficiency financing and the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition (Coalition) has been signed today by the Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson and the Energy…
Read Full articleCovenant of Mayors Investment Forum
Accelerating investments into sustainable energy and climate adaptation are important to ensure a climate-neutral Europe in the long-term and prepare our cities and regions for the threats and risks of climate change already known today. Europe’s…
DetailsEurope's sustainable future depends on accessibility of raw materials for batteries
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) singles out accessibility of raw materials as a pressing issue, warning that a prompt solution for the development of batteries is needed to make…
Read Full articleGreen groups outline their priorities to make Europe’s industry a global leader
As Europe prepares to embrace a new industrial revolution in the aftermath of the covid-19 crisis, green groups have outlined their priorities to make Europe’s industry a global leader. A clean and…
Read Full articleCovenant of Mayors Investment Forum - Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place
The 2021 edition of the Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum - energy efficiency finance market place is jointly organised by the European Commission’s Directorates-Generals for Energy and Climate Action and the Executive Agency for Small and…
DetailsBatteries included: Gigafactories advance German energy transition
First published here . Wind farms connected to batteries can help Germany go fossil-free (Photo by Frank Schwichtenberg , CC BY 3. 0) Energy storage is going to be a huge industry in the transition to…
Read Full articleOffshore wind rising to challenge king coal in Polish energy market
First published here . Poland's energy and electricity markets are undergoing major changes. As costs fall in the offshore wind industry, so it is becoming price-competitive with more carbon-intensive…
Read Full articleHannover Messe 2016 - FREE exhibitor Promotion
EEIP (Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes) is the biggest industial energy efficiency network with more than 100.000 members and new 100+ every day. Our objective is to contribute to a better functioning of energy efficiency markets. EEIP is…