Salzgitter - pumps for district heating
Short description of how Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH saved 53% of energy costs in their district heating operations. This has been achieved by a replacement of pumps with a new demand based pump control system.
Read Full Business PracticeHydraulic system - energy efficiency optimization
This paper describes the 4 step approach of KSB to optimize the energy efficiency of a hydraulic system. While focussing on the entire life-cycle, the aim is to lower operating costs. The approach starts with a system analysis to detect optimization potential and ends with usage of smart pump technology and services during operation - see also paper on industry 4.0 and smart pump technology. It…
Read Full Business PracticeMiele - pumps in refrigeration system
Short case study about benefits of state-of-the-art pump system at Miele´s main production facility in Guetersloh, Germany. The combination of efficient motors, variable speed drive controls and metering, the new system uses 40% less energy than the old system.
Read Full Business PracticeEscaping the horns of a dilemma
“Phaedrus, however, because of his training in logic, was aware that every dilemma affords not two but three classic refutations, and he also knew of a few that weren’t so classic, so he smiled back.”…
Read Full article10 Facts about Heat Pumps
Heat pump technology is efficient and mature. Capacities range from 20kW to 100kW for residential applications and even higher capacities for commercial applications. Industrial and district heating heat pumps reach capacities of several MW. Operating the unit when surplus electricity is available and storing that surplus energy in the form of heat provides significant demand response capacity to…
Read Full Business PracticeKSB Aktiengesellschaft
KSB is one of the world's leading suppliers of pumps, valves and associated systems. These are used in a large variety of applications ranging from building services, industry and water transport to waste water treatment and power plant processes. The company with a workforce of 15,000 has a presence on all continents with its…
5 Things you need to know about 5G Heat (Fifth Generation Heat!)
In my blog ‘ How will energy look in 2030? My 10 predictions for the next 10 years! ’ I predicted that by 2030 all city centres will have some form of fifth generation heat network – taking heat…
Read Full articleWhat is cold local heat?
At first glance, it sounds strange when cold local heating is to take over the heat supply. Is that a contradiction? No, cold heat really does exist. It is a heat supply with relatively low…
Read Full articleHeidelberger Druck - cooling lubricant pumps
Short case study describing how Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG saved 90% of energy in there cooling lubricant circuit leading to a pay-back of far below 2 years. This was achieved by replacing the entire pump system and a modernization of the control system, activities which have resulted from applying the KSB energy efficiency concept FluidFuture. For detailed information of this concept, please…
Read Full Business PracticeContribution of startups to the energy transition in the building sector
In collaboration with the VdZ Leading Association for Building Technology to the ISH digital 2021 (cover photo: VdZ e.V.) An energy turnaround in the heating market requires greater efficiency and the…
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