Riding the Green Wave: The Meteoric Rise of Sustainability-Linked Bonds
Financing the energy transition remains a challenge. However, new financing mechanism have entered the world of finance during recent years. While green bonds seem to be already part of the finance…
Read Full articleIn and out with 10-minute electrical vehicle recharge
Electric vehicle owners may soon be able to pull into a fueling station, plug their car in, go to the restroom, get a cup of coffee and in 10 minutes, drive out with a fully charged battery, according…
Read Full articleDistrict heating: balancing green energy with end-user needs
As district heating companies search for new sources of low-carbon energy to distribute to customers, they find themselves serving both energy supplier and end-user. What challenges does their…
Read Full articleHow Energy Efficiency and Renewables will benefit from COVID-19
Since 1900 only three events had a greater impact on global energy demand than COVID-19: The Spanish flu, the Great Depression and World War II. So now COVID-19. Can we already predict the near and/or…
Read Full articleHeat Pump Forum 2016
Programme | 18-19-20 May 2016 18th May 2016 Committee meetings (for members only) 09-12:30 ICHP meeting, La Défense, Agenda 09-12:30 National associations meeting, Uniclima 18 May 2016 | EHPA General Assembly & Networking event Time table: 14:00…
DetailsJoint Declaration on the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition - Signed by Commission and all Member States
A Joint Declaration on energy efficiency financing and the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition (Coalition) has been signed today by the Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson and the Energy…
Read Full articleWhy would you use hydrogen for power generation?
This question has puzzled me quite a bit and when I recently asked it of my LinkedIn network the post quickly shot up to well over 15,000 views in a couple of days as the debate raged on in the…
Read Full articleWhy Germany needs a European Energiewende
Why Germany needs a European Energiewende The European Union is currently negotiating its 2030 energy goals. So far, the German Energiewende has been criticized for being too inward-looking. Yet it is…
Read Full articleWorld Energy Outlook 2022 - global energy crisis: a historic turning point towards a cleaner and more secure future
For the first time, global demand for each of the fossil fuels shows a peak or plateau across all WEO scenarios, with Russian exports in particular falling significantly as the world energy order is…
Read Full articleUshering in the decade of digital
2019 was quite a year for “digitalization” in the Utility sector. Almost every major gathering of Utility peers sported the digital theme in some way shape or form. Internal presentations and meeting…
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