Recovering waste heat for a greener Portugal
Meet the European project EMB3Rs, that is finding new ways to recycle industrial waste heat to raise energy efficiency, cut carbon emissions and end fuel poverty in Portugal. Take a trip to Lisbon's…
Read Full articleDriverless and electric, or car-free? The cities cutting out cars, and why
Author: Vanessa Bates It’s common consensus in the tech industry that the days of cars as we know them—powered by gas, driven by humans, and individually owned by all who want and can afford one—are…
Read Full articleFour reasons why financial institutions should be active in energy efficiency
Four reasons why financial institutions should be active in energy efficiency This is the first in a series of blogs based on and picking up key elements in the EEFIG Underwriting Toolkit which was…
Read Full articleResponding to Coronavirus: Low-carbon Investments Can Help Economies Recover
The COVID-19 pandemic is first and foremost a human tragedy, infecting more than 120,000 and killing more than 4,200 people as of March 12, 2020. The loss of human life is heart-breaking and set to…
Read Full articlePowering an Energy Efficient Future
On the 30 th September I moderated a webinar on energy efficiency, Powering an Energy Efficient Future , for the IPFA as part of their energy transition series. We had three great panelists who are…
Read Full article5 smart cities around the world
According to TWI Global , “ A smart city uses information and communication technology (ICT) to improve operational efficiency, share information with the public and provide a better quality of…
Read Full articleAn overview of the ESCO industry
The following is the text of my presentation made in Cairo on the 18th December 2023 at a UNIDO organised event presenting the results of a project on ESCO contracts completed by a consortium…
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