What is green hydrogen?
Hydrogen is currently on everyone's lips: scientists, politicians, investors - even oil companies. what's it all about and why is it important? To combat the climate catastrophe, we need to stop…
Read Full articleHydrogen on the Horizon: Shaping the Energy Future
In the midst of the global transition towards sustainable energy, hydrogen is increasingly being recognized as a pivotal player. With governments, corporations, and research institutions exploring its…
Read Full articleEnergy audit and augmented reality: how to combine them? RETROFEED innovation accelerated by COVID-19
Energy Audit in times of COVID-19: The RETROFEED augmented reality experience An online event organised by the RETROFEED project on 2 December 2020 RETROFEED industry partners shared their experience…
Read Full articleNew report says electrification of several European sectors could slash emissions by 60%
Electrification of the transport, buildings, and industrial sectors in Europe could slash greenhouse-gas emissions by 60% between 2020 and 2050, according to a new report by research company…
Read Full articleState-of-the-art of the industrial digital landscape
The last industrial revolution may have started in the digital service sector but in the past decade heavy industries are slowly embracing the new digital wave with the design and development of…
Read Full articleEscaping the horns of a dilemma
“Phaedrus, however, because of his training in logic, was aware that every dilemma affords not two but three classic refutations, and he also knew of a few that weren’t so classic, so he smiled back.”…
Read Full articleGreen groups outline their priorities to make Europe’s industry a global leader
As Europe prepares to embrace a new industrial revolution in the aftermath of the covid-19 crisis, green groups have outlined their priorities to make Europe’s industry a global leader. A clean and…
Read Full articleJuly Quiz OPEN - EnerWhizz: The Electrifying New Mobile Quiz from EEIP
UPDATE - 1 July 2024: NEW JULY QUIZ STARTS TODAY Get ready again . And win 50 exclusive wooden cheeseboards sponsored by EU funded project EENOVA . Soon we will also publish the top50 winners of the…
Read Full articleIs Blockchain the solution for Carbon Tracing, Sustainable Supply Chains and Circular Economy?
For most (or at least many) people Blockchain "has something to do with Bitcoin", kind of a weird digital currency with enormous price fluctuations and recently prominently featured by media following…
Read Full articleHow to finance industrial decarbonization
The 2015 Paris Agreement recognizes that keeping the increase in global average temperature below 2°C from pre-industrial levels would significantly reduce the impact of climate change. In order to…
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