Top 10 EU Initiatives for Digitalizing the Energy System: Transforming Europe’s Energy Landscape
In response to the urgent need for a greener, more efficient energy system, the European Union has taken bold steps to digitalize its energy infrastructure. As Europe moves towards its ambitious 2030…
Read Full articleIndustrial processes going digital
Best practices from EU-funded projects. Learning from the experience of industries in adapting to the digital transition: RETROFEED, SHIP2FAIR, SOWHAT & ECOFACT projects. A recent webinar shows once…
Read Full articleRussia's hydrogen for Japan
Russia is all set to gain a foothold in the global hydrogen sector in what looks like a bid to be a key supplier for Japan, which has ambitious targets for adoption of the fuel by 2050. Japan's plans…
Read Full articleEurope's sustainable future depends on accessibility of raw materials for batteries
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) singles out accessibility of raw materials as a pressing issue, warning that a prompt solution for the development of batteries is needed to make…
Read Full articleNew Utility Business Model: leverage customer base
New Utility Busines Model: leverage customer base The typical utility model of the past is dead. The rise of renewables is often mentioned as one of the key reasons. Giant utilities were and are…
Read Full articleDecarbEurope campaign launched in Brussels
Today, 12 European organisations have presented the Report “DecarbEurope 2017: Connecting technologies for a cleaner future”. The publication is a first landmark of this multi-partner and…
Read Full article6 principles for a market design that enables the energy transition
Does the classical business model of utilities have a future in Europe given the transition towards a decentralized energy system? This was the key question discussed by different economists at the…
Read Full articleSmart Metering : Is it really interesting for Industry?
What is Smart Metering ? About the issue of rational use of energy, smart metering turns out to be a real solution to consider. But, what is actually smart metering? The smart metering is literally…
Read Full articleEnergy Track & Trace using Blockchain
Today, there is no immediate link between production and use of electricity. There is no true way to directly prove if renewable energy bought by a consumer is indeed from a specific renewable source.…
Read Full articleOffshore wind rising to challenge king coal in Polish energy market
First published here . Poland's energy and electricity markets are undergoing major changes. As costs fall in the offshore wind industry, so it is becoming price-competitive with more carbon-intensive…
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