Green Revolution - Medium-sized companies show the way. Lessons from two spanish companies in the chemical industry
The path towards a more sustainable and ecological industry is not easy and sometimes SMEs (Small and Medium sized Enterprises) struggle to understand why and how conversion towards a more…
Read Full articleSupport for SME to finance energy efficiency measures
The Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (EEFIG) co-convened by the European Commission’s DG Energy and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) has been working…
Read Full articleWhat the EU "Winter Package" means for industry
Recognising industry’s contribution to clean energy The European Commission has published its proposals for the contribution of clean energy in meeting the EU’s obligations for the Paris climate…
Read Full articleThe multiple benefits approach of energy audits – new report and tool
Companies, especially SMEs tend to disregard the implementation of energy efficiency measures because they cannot discern the direct business benefit they will gain from them. A report presents the…
Read Full articleYou've got a friend
Recently I published an article on my personal website about a study in Canada that shows the potential for greenhouse gas emissions by small and medium-sized enterprises. I entitled the post “A…
Read Full articleCleaning up “dirty” ceramic tile production
Energy efficiency in kilns and other process stages of ceramics production are quite low and pollutants are currently emitted at unsustainable levels. But as costs for fossil fuels rise and…
Read Full articleLaunch at EUSEW 2017: Investors for energy efficiency in industry, district energy and street lighting
If we are to make headway in achieving our energy efficiency objectives, ensuring financing is essential. While there are some low-cost measures, the bulk of what needs to be done is relatively…
Read Full articleBuilding a greener future one SME at a time
The pyramids in Egypt, the Empire State building in New York, and the Tower of Pisa in Italy are all examples of human creations which left an imprint on history. However, today the construction…
Read Full articleThe Pitfalls of LED Linear Tubes and Smart Lighting Systems
from Wesley Whited, DNV GL The Pitfalls of LED Linear Tubes and Smart Lighting Systems At first glance, retrofitting an existing fluorescent fixture with an LED Linear tube seems like an appealing…
Read Full articleUNIDO: Industrial energy efficiency: Picking the low-hanging fruit
The following article is the keynote article in the Global Sustain Yearbook 2016/17 by LI Yong, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). Li Yong focusses on…
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