Energy storage - an effective weapon in the fight against emissions
With the rising temperatures and more frequent natural disasters caused by extreme weather, the debates about lowering or even eliminating CO2 and greenhouse gasses are getting more intense.…
Read Full articleWhy Germany needs a European Energiewende
Why Germany needs a European Energiewende The European Union is currently negotiating its 2030 energy goals. So far, the German Energiewende has been criticized for being too inward-looking. Yet it is…
Read Full articleStandardisation, data and risk for energy efficiency investments
Good morning, today I am going to talk about three important words for the energy efficiency finance market, standardisation, data and risk. I am going to start off talking about the so-called…
Read Full articleIs an energy revolution underway in Chile?
First published here Chile’s share of renewable energy has tripled in the past five years. Maximiliano Proaño takes a look at the policy behind this massive growth, and the road ahead. In May, Chile’s…
Read Full articleFacade greening - "Good for the environment and the feel-good factor".
Interview with Gregor Grassl, Associate Partner at Stuttgart-based planning and consulting firm Drees & Sommer SE. Urban buildings and flourishing nature do not have to be a contradiction in terms. On…
Read Full articleDigital financing platforms - a solution to finance smart city projects?
A few month ago I was starting to look a bit closer to the world of Fintech with the aim to identify new digital financing platforms providing access to finance for smart city projects , especially…
Read Full article21st century energy management
First published here Growing up I loved anything to do with the future – particularly the 21st century. TV21 was the comic to read and it was full of stories about life in the 21st century,…
Read Full articleGreen Aviation
First published here Those who know me will know of my life long-love of aviation. I wanted to be a test pilot even before wanting to be an astronaut but ended up getting into energy. My…
Read Full articleIEA Global Conference on Energy Efficiency 2018
Meet EEIP at the IEA Global Conference on Energy Efficiency 2018. The International Energy Agency’s third annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency will convene dignitaries and leaders from across the globe. The aim is to share insights and…
DetailsLessons from the dim and distant past on how to reduce energy demand
The war in Ukraine, which now seems as if it will last a long-time, is one of the most important threats we face. Preventing, or in this case, correcting, the illegal annexation of a sovereign country…
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