Innovative Pathways in Hydrogen Production: A Catalyst for Change in Clean Energy
Current Landscape The global shift towards cleaner energy sources is no longer a distant ideal but a pressing reality. Hydrogen, recognized as a pivotal component in the clean energy transition, holds…
Read Full articleIndustrial Symbiosis: A Pathway to Sustainable Industry through CORALIS
The following article is a summary of the report “Inventory of best practices from the CORALIS demonstrators” delivered by the EU project CORALIS. And it is also a training article for the Enerwhizz ,…
Read Full articleDeep decarbonisation of industry: The cement sector
Headlines Fossil fuel combustion to meet heating needs accounts for 35% of cement’s CO2 emissions. The remaining 65% are due to direct process emissions, which must also be addressed. The biomass use…
Read Full articleIntegrating energy and material efficiency in public distribution transformers
There is growing recognition that the energy transition can only be sustainable if material use is part of the equation, an aspect reflected in recent EU regulatory initiatives. In electrical systems,…
Read Full articleBiomass Gasification: A Key to Decarbonizing Energy-Intensive Industries
The following article is a summary of the Scientific publication: “Techno-Economic Feasibility of Biomass Gasification for the Decarbonisation of Energy-Intensive Industries” delivered by the EU…
Read Full articleUnlocking the Value of Industrial Symbiosis: A Comprehensive Guide to Pricing and Business Value
The following article is a summary of the report “Overview of criteria and mechanisms for product/services pricing settlement (PU)” delivered by the EU project CORALIS. And it is also a training…
Read Full articleHeatpumps: vision vs. reality
Vision vs. reality – why political intervention is essential to unleash heat pumps energy savings potential in industrial and commercial applications. Buildings need a comfortable indoor temperature…
Read Full articleQ&A: Why cement emissions matter for climate change
A builder directs wet concrete from a cement truck into the foundations of a large building. Credit: Peter Righteous/Alamy Stock Photo. First published here . If the cement industry were a country, it…
Read Full articleOverview of main actors in the e-mobility ecosystem
The transport sector still accounts for a quarter of EU carbon emissions, mainly coming from road transport. Direct electrification is playing a leading role in decarbonising the sector with electric…
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