Powering Europe's Clean Energy Future: Key Elements of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive
The European Union has taken a major step forward in its efforts to combat climate change and reduce energy consumption with the adoption of a Energy Efficiency Directive . This landmark legislation…
Read Full articleDEEP 2.0 - De-risking energy efficiency through better reference data
The De-risking Energy Efficiency Platform (DEEP) is an open-source database for energy efficiency investments performance monitoring and benchmarking. DEEP provides an improved understanding of the…
Read Full articleElectric Vehicles & Heat Pumps: Electric motors play a crucial role in the energy transition
Electric motors are implicated in two major decarbonisation options involving electrification: electric vehicles (EVs) and heat pumps. This will lead to a significant market growth, as well as growing…
Read Full articleTransforming Europe's Energy Grids for a Sustainable Future
1. The Vision: Connecting Europe's Energy Grids for the Future Europe is in the midst of a major energy transition, driven by the need to reduce carbon emissions and increase the use of renewable…
Read Full articleConnecting the dots of Energy Efficiency Directive with sustainable finance reporting. The full potential unlocked.
During this summer, the European Commission published in the OJ (Official Journal) a series of Recommendations and guidelines, addressed to member states, for the transposition of the Energy…
Read Full articleTop 10 EU Initiatives for Digitalizing the Energy System: Transforming Europe’s Energy Landscape
In response to the urgent need for a greener, more efficient energy system, the European Union has taken bold steps to digitalize its energy infrastructure. As Europe moves towards its ambitious 2030…
Read Full articleAll you need to know about advanced high temperature heating technologies for industry
Decarbonising industry means the decarbonisation of electricity and heat. In principle, industry can rather easily decarbonize their electricity consumption, just buy green electricity. Heat is the…
HYDROGEN - AN ALL-ROUNDER Great hopes are being placed in hydrogen as an energy carrier. Hydrogen seems to be the solution, especially for economic and industrial sectors that are difficult to…
Read Full articleHeatpumps: vision vs. reality
Vision vs. reality – why political intervention is essential to unleash heat pumps energy savings potential in industrial and commercial applications. Buildings need a comfortable indoor temperature…
Read Full article6 principles for a market design that enables the energy transition
Does the classical business model of utilities have a future in Europe given the transition towards a decentralized energy system? This was the key question discussed by different economists at the…
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