Powering Efficiency: Revolutionising Compressed Air Systems for a Sustainable Future
In the quest for sustainable industrial practices, compressed air systems (CAS) have emerged as a prime target for energy efficiency improvements. These systems, vital to many manufacturing processes,…
Read Full articleHow do we get the renovation wave rolling in Germany?
The European Union announced a major renovation wave last fall. It wants to double the rate of renovation in existing buildings over the next ten years. This is urgently needed, because buildings play…
Read Full article5 energy sources you have never thought of
Every day, surplus heat is released into the environment, contributing to global warming and wasting chances of clean energy generation. Opportunities to recover and reuse it can be found in places…
Read Full articleChina is investing $13 trillion in construction. Will it pursue zero carbon buildings?
China is in the midst of a construction mega-boom. The country has the largest buildings market in the world , making up 20% of all construction investment globally. And it’s only set to grow: China…
Read Full article21st century energy management
First published here Growing up I loved anything to do with the future – particularly the 21st century. TV21 was the comic to read and it was full of stories about life in the 21st century,…
Read Full articleWSED 2024: Energy Efficiency now – fast, smart, resilient!
Mark your calendar for 7-8 March 2024 and join the worldwide energy efficiency community at the European Energy Efficiency Conference! Wels, Austria – "Energy Efficiency now – fast, smart, resilient!"…
Read Full articleLessons from the dim and distant past on how to reduce energy demand
The war in Ukraine, which now seems as if it will last a long-time, is one of the most important threats we face. Preventing, or in this case, correcting, the illegal annexation of a sovereign country…
Read Full articleResponding to Coronavirus: Low-carbon Investments Can Help Economies Recover
The COVID-19 pandemic is first and foremost a human tragedy, infecting more than 120,000 and killing more than 4,200 people as of March 12, 2020. The loss of human life is heart-breaking and set to…
Read Full articleUNIDO: Industrial energy efficiency: Picking the low-hanging fruit
The following article is the keynote article in the Global Sustain Yearbook 2016/17 by LI Yong, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). Li Yong focusses on…
Read Full articleThe Mechanics of Ceramics: How the Industry Can Decarbonize
Although the world’s industries have tried to transition to more sustainable methods, the annual global extraction of materials has tripled over the last 50 years. In Europe’s ceramics industry has…
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