How does COVID19 affect energy efficiency plans of industry?
How does COVID19 affect energy efficiency plans of industry? What framework(s) are effective to help decarbonise industry? Do companies plan to decarbonise? How/by when? What are the short term plans…
Read Full articleIs the future of flight smaller, local and more decentralised?
Prior to Covid19 the aviation sector was pegged for year on year growth. Historically a sector driven by economies of scale with capacity being concentrated on huge hubs with larger and larger…
Read Full articleResponding to Coronavirus: Low-carbon Investments Can Help Economies Recover
The COVID-19 pandemic is first and foremost a human tragedy, infecting more than 120,000 and killing more than 4,200 people as of March 12, 2020. The loss of human life is heart-breaking and set to…
Read Full articleGreen groups outline their priorities to make Europe’s industry a global leader
As Europe prepares to embrace a new industrial revolution in the aftermath of the covid-19 crisis, green groups have outlined their priorities to make Europe’s industry a global leader. A clean and…
Read Full articleDigital Solutions for Industry
This is the era of the fourth industrial revolution. An era of change towards digital solutions for the simple and efficient management of processes and plants which, like any previous industrial revolution, brings with it a colossal transformation.…
DetailsEUROPEAN ALUMINIUM: sustainable industrial recovery plan
EUROPEAN ALUMINIUM provides a set of recommendations for a sustainable industrial recovery plan The aluminium industry has traditionally been considered strategic in Europe, however, 2019 data show…
Read Full articleEnergy audit and augmented reality: how to combine them? RETROFEED innovation accelerated by COVID-19
Energy Audit in times of COVID-19: The RETROFEED augmented reality experience An online event organised by the RETROFEED project on 2 December 2020 RETROFEED industry partners shared their experience…
Read Full articleHow Energy Efficiency and Renewables will benefit from COVID-19
Since 1900 only three events had a greater impact on global energy demand than COVID-19: The Spanish flu, the Great Depression and World War II. So now COVID-19. Can we already predict the near and/or…
Read Full articleEurovision – how energy efficiency became a showstopper
This week Europe is enjoying three evenings of the Eurovision Song Contest , two semi-finals and the final on Saturday evening. This has been a wonderful way of bringing Europeans together to watch…
Read Full articleIndustrial processes going digital
Best practices from EU-funded projects. Learning from the experience of industries in adapting to the digital transition: RETROFEED, SHIP2FAIR, SOWHAT & ECOFACT projects. A recent webinar shows once…
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