Some like it hot – Is Hydrogen the answer to those needing it a little warmer?
In my recent predictions for energy over the next ten years there was one prediction I felt I could have explained a bit more. I predicted that Hydrogen would develop in pockets but I didn’t go into…
Read Full articleCracking the Hydrogen Egg! How can consumers understand where their Hydrogen has come from?
In a global interconnected system understanding where hydrogen has come from will become incredibly important. The temptation for some to make hydrogen from coal and release the carbon dioxide into…
HYDROGEN - AN ALL-ROUNDER Great hopes are being placed in hydrogen as an energy carrier. Hydrogen seems to be the solution, especially for economic and industrial sectors that are difficult to…
Read Full articleThe future of flight – Three energy futures (electric, hydrogen or just less?)
In my blog on the future of energy I made a very bold statement about he future of flight being cut by 50% by 2030. A lot of comments on the article informed me I was probably wrong – and this got me…
Read Full articleDecarbonisation of industrial heat: The iron and steel sector
Headlines Current primary steel production is highly integrated; incremental efficiency improvements can only further reduce emissions by about 10%. The analysis of scenarios published recently by…
Read Full articleTowards Zero Emission Mobility in European Transport
Thirteen companies and industry associations from European industry have joined forces and identified key tasks on the upcoming European Union Low Emission Mobility Package. Representing the…
Read Full articleGetting to grips with the complexities of industrial decarbonisation using soft systems
On the 12th October I moderated a panel on industrial decarbonisation at the Carbon Forward London conference . Not being a carbon markets specialist I was out of my comfort zone – which is always a…
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