Buildings & Transport

The Pitfalls of LED Linear Tubes and Smart Lighting Systems

LED tubes have many pitfalls, including leaving a considerable amount of energy savings on the table. Understanding all your options will help you make a more informed decision and allow you to maximize your energy savings. For every 10°C rise, the average reliability is decreased by 50%. Planning for a tube retrofit into an existing fluorescent dimming system requires due diligence before purchase and installation. The opportunity to decide on implementing a Smart Lighting System overlaps with a decision for upgrading to LED. LED tubes lack the sophistication to integrate into a digital network without the purchase of additional equipment; however, installing new LED fixtures Some manufacturers are now marketing Zigbee enabled LED tubes that use Bluetooth to communicate to wireless sensors and increase occupant comfort. Some devices receive a unique address, which allows for two-way communication between a controller and a central server and the device that can be hard wired or wireless, depending on preference to communicate with wireless sensors. The LED tube space is a proven solution to maximize energy savings.

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Buildings & Transport

ICP Presentation 2017 (POR)

O Investor Confidence Project Europe desbloqueia o acesso ao financiamento para os mercados de construção, indústria, energia distrital e iluminação pública.

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ICP Presentation 2017 (POR)

Buildings & Transport

ICP Presentation 2016 (BUL)

Investor Confidence Project Europe unlocks access to financing for the building, industry, district energy and street lighting markets. Investment Confidence project will standardize how energy efficiency projects are developed, documented and measured. For confidential support call the Samaritans on.

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ICP Presentation 2016 (BUL)

Buildings & Transport

10 Facts about Building Automation

Building Automation and Controls (BAC) enhance comfort and productivity. BAC uses less energy, thus reducing costs and bills. advanced controls and automation enter the picture. This article originally appeared on

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10 Facts about Building Automation

Buildings & Transport

10 Facts about Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles (EVs) are at the heart of developing synergies between the transport and energy sectors. shift to electric vehicles will also bring about additional employment and environmental benefits for the EU. EV integration into the electricity grid offers a particularly compelling solution for.

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10 Facts about Electric Vehicles

Buildings & Transport

SAP - Kaelteversorgung in technischer Gebaeudeausruestung

Kurze Beschreibung der Implementierung einer ausfallsicheren und energieeffizienten Kaelteversorgung. Diese reicht vom Einsatz effizienter Motoren, einer.

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SAP - Kaelteversorgung in technischer Gebaeudeausruestung

Buildings & Transport

SAP - Air conditioning in building service application

Short case study describing the implementation of a fail-safe and energy efficient air-conditioning at a SAP data center. It includes an integrated pump system ranging from motors, intelligent speed control system to pumps and automation.

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SAP - Air conditioning in building service application

Energy Transition of the EU Building Stock
Buildings & Transport

Energy Transition of the EU Building Stock

Report estimates EU energy renovation market at EUR 109 billion in 2015 and 882,900 jobs. The size of the EU renovation market could increase by almost half if a 40% energy savings target is adopted for 2030. This would lead to more than one.

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Buildings & Transport

Smart Mobility in Smart City

The EU co-funded project on how to make urban transport more environmentally sustainable. The report covers interaction between FEV, transport- and energy infrastructure (smart grid) It also includes strategies for trip planning, driving and charging... to finally optimize FEV.

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Smart Mobility in Smart City

Buildings & Transport

Annex A: Index of national resources

This Annex should be read in conjunction with the ICP Europe protocols. It summarises information by country on national standards, guidance documents or sources of information. These resources may be used as optional alternative resources to the European or international standards where identified.

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Annex A: Index of national resources