Finance & Economics

Finance & Economics

Protocol Street Lighting 2019 (ITA)

I protocolli ICP stanno standardizzando il modo in cui i progetti di efficienza energetica sono sviluppati, documentati e misurati secondo le migliori pratic.

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Protocol Street Lighting 2019 (ITA)

Finance & Economics

Protocol Street Lighting 2019 (POR)

Os protocolos do ICP estão padronizando a forma como os projetos de eficiência energética são desenvolvidos, documentados e medidos seguindo as melh.

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Protocol Street Lighting 2019 (POR)

Finance & Economics

PDS Street Lighting 2019 (POR)

A Especificação de Desenvolvimento de Projeto ICP Europe (PDS) traz em foco os muitos detalhes complexos de um projeto de eficiência energét.

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PDS Street Lighting 2019 (POR)

Finance & Economics

Protocol Street Lighting 2019 (GRE)

ICP protocols are standardising the way energy efficiency projects are developed. Protocols are not interfering with the technical side of projects. ICP protocol covers the energy associated with both controlling, powering and lighting the luminaire, and with wifi connectivity.

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Protocol Street Lighting 2019 (GRE)

Finance & Economics

Protocol Street Lighting 2019 (BUL)

ICP protocols are standardising the way energy efficiency projects are developed. Protocols are not interfering with the technical side of projects. ICP protocol covers the energy associated with both controlling, powering and lighting the luminaire, and with wifi connectivity.

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Protocol Street Lighting 2019 (BUL)

Finance & Economics

PDS Street Lighting 2019 (BUL)

The ICP Europe Project Development Specification (PDS) brings the many complex details of an energy efficiency project into focus. It provides a clear direction to the entire team with regards to requirements, tools, expectations, and quality management.

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PDS Street Lighting 2019 (BUL)

The Investor Confidence Project: The Time is Now
Finance & Economics

The Investor Confidence Project: The Time is Now

We cannot afford to be negative when there are positive ways forward. The concept of ICP is relatively simple to understand. A potential project in a factory or a district heating system is identified. Someone has to do the necessary calculations to determine viability.

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TOP 3 Articles in Energy Finance from the 2nd quarter of 2018
Finance & Economics

TOP 3 Articles in Energy Finance from the 2nd quarter of 2018

The Investor Confidence Project Europe (ICPeurope) will be holding training for project developers. It will allow you not only to get access to the investor network but also crack a typical dilemma: Energy supply market requires long-term financial commitment.

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The Hera Group experience with green bonds - energy efficiency is the top financed category
Finance & Economics

The Hera Group experience with green bonds - energy efficiency is the top financed category

Hera Group is the first Italian utility to launch a Green Bond to finance or refinance sustainable projects. A total of 26 projects were financed or refinanced from 2006 to 2016 for a total investment of €732M. The majority of the funds.

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TOP 3 EEIP articles 2nd quarter 2018
Finance & Economics

TOP 3 EEIP articles 2nd quarter 2018

Is ICP the Alexander the Great of century XXI? And what has this to do with the Gordian Knot? The 2018 Energy Efficiency Barometer is here. You have time until the 30th of September to participate and have the chance to consider.

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