Renewable Energy
The Utility of the Future study is the first of a series of reports produced by MIT Energy Initiative. It aims to serve as a guide for policy makers, regulators, utilities, existing and startup energy companies, and other power-sector stakeholders to better understand the factors that are currently driving change in power systems. The only way to put all resources on a level playing field and achieve efficient operation and planning in the power system is to dramatically improve prices and regulated charges (i.e., tariffs or rates for electricity services) The regulation of distribution utilities must be improved to enable the development of more efficient distribution utility business models. Widespread connection of distributed energy resources and smart appliances increase the importance of cybersecurity and heighten privacy concerns. Better utilization of existing assets and smarter energy consumption hold great potential for cost savings. At the same time, economies of scale still matter, and the distributed deployment of solar PV or energy storage is not cost-effective in all contexts and locations.
Read Full articleThe Energy Industry Times-A new way of thinking about energy efficiency
The ISO 50001 energy management standard has a better chance of doing so because - when properly implemented - it explicitly targets changed thinking about energy efficiency. Energy audits alone will not necessarily deliver a true culture change. But when properly implement, the standard explicitly targets.
Read Full Business PracticeHeidelberger Druck - Kuehlschmiermittel Pumpen
Kurze Darstellung wie die Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG eine 90%-ige Energieeinsparung. Dies wurde durch den Austausch des gesamten Pumpensystem.
Read Full Business PracticeMiele - Pumpen in der Kaelteerzeugung
Kurze Darstellung des Einsatzes eines optimierten Pumpensystems bei der Kaelteerzeugung in Mieles Stammwerk in Guetersloh. Die Kombination von.
Read Full Business PracticeProMinent - Prozessdosierpumpen
Kurze Darstellung der Implementierung eines komplexen Pumpensystems bei ProMinent bei gleichzeitiger Energieeinsparung von bis zu 60%. Dies wurd.
Read Full Business PracticeSalzgitter - Pumpen fuer Fernwaerme
Kurze Darstellung wie Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH eine Reduzierung des Stromverbrauchs um 53% bei der Distribution von Fernwaerme erzielt. Dies wurde durch den Einsatz neuer Pumpen mit einer bedarfsabhaengigen Pumpenregelung erreicht.
Read Full Business PracticeSolvay - Optimierung von Kuehlwasserpumpen
Kurze Darstellung wie der systemische Ansatz von KSB zur Optimierung der Energieeffizienz. Das Konzept wurde in Solvays Rueckkuehlwerk in.
Read Full Business PracticeHeidelberger Druck - cooling lubricant pumps
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG saved 90% of energy in there cooling lubricant circuit leading to a pay-back of far below 2 years. This was achieved by replacing the entire pump system and a modernization of the control system.
Read Full Business PracticeMiele - pumps in refrigeration system
State-of-the-art pump system at Mieles main production facility in Guetersloh, Germany. combination of efficient motors, variable speed drive controls and metering. New system uses 40% less energy than the old system.
Read Full Business PracticeProMinent - process metering pumps
ProMinent implemented a complex pump system while at the same time achieving energy savings up to 60%. The implementation was guided by KSB energy efficiency system concept covering all components of the pump system, from variable speed drive controls to the monitoring system.
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