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Mayors Leading the Charge: A Deep Dive into the Eurocities Survey

16 September 2024 by Jürgen Ritzek
Mayors Leading the Charge: A Deep Dive into the Eurocities Survey


The Eurocities Pulse Mayors Survey 2024 identifies climate action as the foremost concern for European mayors, with over 50% ranking it as their top priority. They recognize the necessity to undertake actions towards sustainability by decarbonizing their cities and investing in climate-resilient infrastructure, viewing this green transition as a chance to better the quality of life and economic opportunities within their jurisdictions. Nonetheless, the survey also conveys that financial and technical limitations hinder effective climate action, leading to calls for more accessible EU funding and capacity-building support.


Social inclusion and affordable housing have emerged as critical issues due to the cost-of-living crisis, with mayors acknowledging trade-offs across quality, affordability, energy efficiency, and supply. They advocate for EU-level prioritization of housing and solutions for regulatory barriers impeding provision for residents.


The survey depicts multiple interlinked challenges such as global conflicts, local inequalities, and the enduring impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Mayors stress the necessity for holistic approaches and seek support from the EU and national governments to address these challenges.


The mayors envision a stronger partnership with the EU, suggesting a dedicated Urban Envoy position within the European Commission to facilitate urban-focused initiatives and a more participatory role for cities in policy formation. They underscore the importance of multi-level governance to tackle the intricacies of urban development effectively.


Lastly, innovation is championed as pivotal for urban transformation, with mayors acknowledging its role in improving public services through digital technologies and engaging communities in governance processes. They present diverse innovative strategies being implemented across Europe as instrumental in driving progress and resilience in urban areas.

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Mayors Leading the Charge: A Deep Dive into the Eurocities Survey

The Eurocities Pulse Mayors Survey 2024 provides a fascinating snapshot of the priorities and challenges facing European mayors. It's clear that these local leaders are not just grappling with day-to-day governance but are also at the forefront of tackling major global issues like climate change and social inequality. The survey paints a picture of mayors who are ambitious, innovative, and deeply committed to their communities, but who also face significant hurdles in achieving their goals.


  • Climate Action: A Top Priority, but Funding and Capacity Remain Key Challenges
  • Social Inclusion and Housing: The Urgency of the Cost-of-Living Crisis
  • Navigating a Complex Landscape: From Global Conflicts to Local Inequalities
  • The EU's Role: Mayors Call for Stronger Partnerships and Support
  • Innovation: The Engine of Urban Transformation


Climate Action: A Top Priority, but Funding and Capacity Remain Key Challenges

The survey leaves no doubt that climate action is the burning issue for European mayors. More than half of them ranked it as their top priority for 2024, highlighting the urgency of both mitigating climate change and adapting to its inevitable impacts. Mayors are acutely aware of the need to decarbonize their cities, promote sustainable mobility, and invest in climate-resilient infrastructure. They see the green transition as an opportunity not just to protect the environment but also to create jobs, improve public health, and enhance the overall quality of life in their cities.

However, the survey also reveals a stark reality: many cities lack the financial resources and technical capacity to fully implement their climate action plans. Mayors are calling for streamlined EU funding mechanisms that provide direct access to resources, as well as capacity-building programs to help them develop the skills and expertise needed to tackle the climate crisis. They also emphasize the importance of multi-level governance, urging closer collaboration between cities, national governments, and the EU to achieve shared climate goals.


Social Inclusion and Housing: The Urgency of the Cost-of-Living Crisis

The cost-of-living crisis has brought social inclusion and affordable housing to the forefront of mayors' agendas. The survey shows a marked increase in the number of mayors who prioritize these issues, reflecting the growing challenges faced by vulnerable populations in their cities. Mayors are deeply concerned about rising poverty and social exclusion and are committed to ensuring that the green and digital transitions are just and equitable for all.

Access to affordable housing is a particularly pressing issue, with the vast majority of mayors acknowledging the need to make difficult trade-offs between quality, affordability, energy efficiency, and quantity. They call on the EU to prioritize housing at the European level and to address regulatory barriers that hinder their efforts to provide adequate housing for all residents.


Navigating a Complex Landscape: From Global Conflicts to Local Inequalities

The challenges faced by European mayors are multifaceted and interconnected, reflecting both global events and local realities. While the immediate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have receded, their long-term consequences continue to shape the urban landscape. Climate change, housing affordability, and social inequalities are among the most pressing challenges, but mayors also grapple with issues such as migration, urban planning, and economic recovery.

The survey highlights the interconnectedness of these challenges, demonstrating that effective solutions require a holistic and integrated approach. Mayors are increasingly looking beyond their city borders, seeking collaboration and support from national governments and the EU to address these complex issues.


The EU's Role: Mayors Call for Stronger Partnerships and Support

European mayors see a crucial role for the EU in supporting their efforts to build sustainable, inclusive, and resilient cities. They call for a long-term strategy and vision for EU-city cooperation, streamlined funding mechanisms, and greater recognition of urban perspectives in EU policy-making. They also urge the EU to prioritize investments in sustainable urban mobility, capacity building, and a social climate fund to ensure a just transition.

The survey reveals a strong desire for a more collaborative and participatory approach to EU policy-making, with mayors seeking a greater voice in shaping the decisions that affect their cities. They emphasize the importance of multi-level governance and call for the creation of an Urban Envoy within the European Commission to oversee and coordinate EU policies and initiatives for cities.


Innovation: The Engine of Urban Transformation

Innovation is seen as a key enabler for cities to tackle complex challenges and deliver on their ambitious policy agendas. Mayors are optimistic about their cities' capacity to innovate and highlight the importance of data-driven analytics, digital technologies, and human-centered design in improving public services and addressing local needs. They also see innovation as a way to generate new revenue streams, engage residents, and anticipate future challenges.

The survey reveals a range of innovative approaches being implemented by cities across Europe, from participatory budgeting and citizen science initiatives to smart city technologies and innovative financing models. These examples demonstrate the power of innovation to transform urban governance and create more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient communities.

In conclusion, the Eurocities Pulse Mayors Survey 2024 offers a valuable glimpse into the priorities, challenges, and aspirations of European mayors. It highlights their commitment to climate action, social inclusion, and innovation, while also underscoring the need for greater support and collaboration at the EU level. As cities continue to evolve and adapt, they will play a crucial role in shaping the future of Europe.


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