The G20 Energy Efficiency Forum and the Energy Efficiency Investment Toolkit
On 2nd May I was fortunate enough to present at the G20 Energy Efficiency Forum and take part in a panel discussion. The G20 energy efficiency work has not got much attention but there are some good…
Read Full articleWhy and how to modernize your switchgear
There is a significant increase in the number of industries that are installing switchgear. However, as with any equipment, a major issue here is the impact of aging switchgear. An outdated system can…
Read Full articleThe European Investment Bank (EIB) revises energy lending criteria
The European Investment Bank (EIB) will phase out support to energy projects reliant on fossil fuels: oil & gas production, infrastructure primarily dedicated to natural gas, power generation or heat…
Read Full articleRevolutionizing Transit: Europe's Top Smart Mobility Solutions
In an era where urban spaces are increasingly pressured by growing populations and environmental concerns, Europe is at the forefront of a transportation revolution. Smart mobility, leveraging…
Read Full articleChoosing the best techniques for waste heat recovery
Choosing the best techniques for waste heat recovery Darren Bryant, CEO of Heatcatcher UK, discusses best available waste heat recovery techniques for the glass industry and outlines UK government…
Read Full articleISO500001 + IT = Energy Data Management System
What does it mean to establish an Energy Management System integrated in companies IT system architecture. This paper describing the Energy Data Management System from VIDEC, ranging from interfaces to system configuration. It also highlights the necessary input such systems require,e.g. KPIs or training for users. It has an in-build kind of audit functionality, called zero investment analysis.…
Read Full Business PracticeIncreasing the flow of investment into energy efficiency in industry
The most recent EEFIG meeting focused on industry, a sector that is sometimes neglected compared to buildings. I summarised the work on the EEFIG Underwriting Toolkit and took the opportunity to give…
Read Full articleEnergy Transition of the EU Building Stock
The report entitled “Energy Transition of the EU Building Stock -Unleashing the 4thIndustrial Revolution in Europe” estimates the EU energy renovation market at EUR 109 billion in 2015 and 882,900…
Read Full articleAsset managing your data on the way to electrification
By taking an asset management approach to your data, you can generate value both in the short and the longer term. If you think of asset management in terms of real estate, it is the process of…
Read Full articleUshering in the decade of digital
2019 was quite a year for “digitalization” in the Utility sector. Almost every major gathering of Utility peers sported the digital theme in some way shape or form. Internal presentations and meeting…
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