Blockchain will be the next GDPR
What has been apparent for a long time to all of us involved in energy efficiency at business and industry is that the communication layer is the foundation of nascent energy system. It will radically…
Read Full articleEfficient EU policy for efficient EU industry
Energy and its central role in ferro-alloys production Ferro-alloys and silicon production is highly energy-intensive. Energy cost is one of the main competitive factors for the industry and thus…
Read Full articleTop 10 EU Initiatives for Digitalizing the Energy System: Transforming Europe’s Energy Landscape
In response to the urgent need for a greener, more efficient energy system, the European Union has taken bold steps to digitalize its energy infrastructure. As Europe moves towards its ambitious 2030…
Read Full articleUshering in the decade of digital
2019 was quite a year for “digitalization” in the Utility sector. Almost every major gathering of Utility peers sported the digital theme in some way shape or form. Internal presentations and meeting…
Read Full articleIndustrial processes going digital
Best practices from EU-funded projects. Learning from the experience of industries in adapting to the digital transition: RETROFEED, SHIP2FAIR, SOWHAT & ECOFACT projects. A recent webinar shows once…
Read Full article6 Use Cases: Open Call for Innovative Grid Services
INTERRFACE, an H2020 project in the field of innovative grid services, publishes an Open Call for innovators with up to €60,000 awarded to each successful applicant. A sister (or rather parent)…
Read Full articleResearch and Development Funding: IT services to help municipalities transition towards Circular Economy
Eight cities will invest €5.64 million in an Research and Development innovation procurement to solve the operational, information and organisational challenge to transition towards Circular Economy…
Read Full articleSustainable bioenergy: a circular approach to EU strategic autonomy and green transition #EUIndustryWeek
The Green Deal Initiative has set ambitious targets for industry, working towards ensuring Europe's industry is climate-neutral by 2050. Sustainable bioenergy is set to play an important role in the green transition, both improving circularity and…
DetailsPre-commercial procurement for 100% renewable retrofits
The EU and the USA increased ambitions to reduce carbon emissions. A green recovery from the pandemic should address the buildings sector, since 90% of buildings will still exist in 2050 being…
Read Full articleNew R&D Funding Opportunity to Upscale Circular Economy Practice in Cities
CircularPSP invites suppliers to develop an innovative Circular Economy solution that enables municipalities and their staff as well as businesses in the local economy to apply circular practice more…
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