Pre-commercial procurement for 100% renewable retrofits

22 April 2021 by Georg Vogt
Pre-commercial procurement for 100% renewable retrofits


The EU Horizon 2020 project procuRE is offering €7.68 million for RandD services in building technology and renewables. It is financed by the cities of Nuremberg (Germany), Istanbul (Turkey), Velenje (Slovenia), Eilat (Israel) and Barcelona (Spain)

The project will pave the way for the decarbonisation of the 21,000 buildings owned by the participating cities through replicable solutions and showcase the examples of best practice to be implemented elsewhere. All relevant stakeholders are invited to participate local Open Market Consultation in April and May. Public and private property owners

Owners are also invited to the Open Market consultations and to become Preferred Partners free of charge to receive detailed information about the project and its results. The results of the project can be found on: Website twitter LinkedIn newsletter and the planned events can be seen on: (herell € and the project.

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Pre-commercial procurement for 100% renewable retrofits

The EU and the USA increased ambitions to reduce carbon emissions. A green recovery from the pandemic should address the buildings sector, since 90% of buildings will still exist in 2050 being responsible for 40% of the energy demand and 36% of the carbon emissions in Europe. Retrofits are currently too labour-intensive, particularly if each renovation only achieves as slice of the efficiency / carbon potential. It is, however, a challenge to integrate various technologies in buildings to work harmoniously and there is a need for cost-effective, platform-like solutions to unleash the energy efficiency and the renewable energy supply potential of buildings.


The EU Horizon2020 project procuRE is offering €7.68 million for R&D services in building technology and renewables as part of a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) financed by the cities of Nuremberg (Germany), Istanbul (Turkey), Velenje (Slovenia), Eilat (Israel), Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal) and Barcelona (Spain). PCP encourage the development of breakthrough innovative solutions through competitive tendering.


By sharing the risks and the benefits associated with the R&D process and providing a first customer reference for companies, a PCP creates the conditions for wider market uptake of the results. The six cities in procuRE will invest a total of €7.68 million for the providers of innovative energy and building technologies to eliminate off-side supply in existing buildings and enable them to run on 100% renewable energy. After three phases, the winning bids seamlessly integrating the most innovative technologies to meet this target will demonstrate the solution in three schools and three office buildings. The results of the project will pave the way for the decarbonisation of the 21,000 buildings owned by the participating cities through replicable solutions and showcase the examples of best practice to be implemented elsewhere.


procuRE is currently conducting several Open Market Consultations to inform innovative suppliers about the project and tendering process as well as to discuss the challenge. All relevant stakeholders are invited to participate local Open Market Consultation in April and May or the International Open Market Consultation on 25th of June or 9th of July. Suppliers can reach out to other interested suppliers to form consortia by entering details in the matchmaking platform on the procuRE website – further networking activities will follow. Public and private property owners are also invited to the Open Market Consultations and to become Preferred Partners free of charge to receive detailed information about the project and its results.


More information about procuRE and the planned events can be found on:

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