EIP-SCC General Assembly 2019
The 2019 General Assembly will offer a unique opportunity for Smart city actors to exchange best practices, present projects, find partners, and stimulate discussions helping the development of innovative ideas. #EIPSCC @EUSmartCities
DetailsAljoscha Schlosser
Aljoscha Schlosser is Digital Innovation Manager at BOGE KOMPRESSOREN Otto Boge GmbH & Co. KG. As a digital trendscout, he leads the development of new digital products, services, business models and exploitation of new technologies.
Author detailsCreating a long-lasting platform to map the future of energy
As energy costs sky-rocket and industries struggle to survive, EMB3Rs can make a difference. Austria-based researchers reveal how the platform is set to help companies cost-effectively convert waste…
Read Full articleIncreasing the flow of investment into energy efficiency in industry
The most recent EEFIG meeting focused on industry, a sector that is sometimes neglected compared to buildings. I summarised the work on the EEFIG Underwriting Toolkit and took the opportunity to give…
Read Full articleIEA Global Conference on Energy Efficiency 2018
Meet EEIP at the IEA Global Conference on Energy Efficiency 2018. The International Energy Agency’s third annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency will convene dignitaries and leaders from across the globe. The aim is to share insights and…
DetailsNew JRC report: Untapping multiple benefits: hidden values in environmental and building policies
The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) has recently published an important new research study on how we can untap the multi benefits from improved energy efficiency in our buildings…
Read Full articleWebinar: Digitizing energy efficiency in Germany
Webinar: Digitizing energy efficiency in Germany Registration Date: Dec 05, 2019 Location: Webinar Time: 10 a.m. (CET), duration 45min Germany is a worldwide leader for energy efficiency and the market still has untapped potential. Digitization is…
DetailsDaniel Schoeler
Daniel Schoeler is project engineer at ERN (Energiedienstleistungen Rhein-Neckar GmbH) a Germany based specialist for various energy services. ERN is the first qualified German ICP Project Developer and a Quality Assurance Assessor for industrial…
Author detailsICP Presentation
The Investor Confidence Project Europe unlocks access to financing for the building, industry , district energy and street lighting markets by standardizing how energy efficiency projects are developed, documented and measured. For more information about using ICP protocols, training and verification, please click here .
Read Full Business PracticeICP Presentation (ENG)
The Investor Confidence Project Europe unlocks access to financing for the building, industry , district energy and street lighting markets by standardizing how energy efficiency projects are developed, documented and measured. For more information about using ICP protocols, training and verification, please click here .
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