New JRC report: Untapping multiple benefits: hidden values in environmental and building policies

21 October 2020 by Rod Janssen
New JRC report: Untapping multiple benefits: hidden values in environmental and building policies


Findings show that green policies can improve both our health and the economy. Study provides guidance to policy and decision-makers in developing a methodology for the inclusion of multiple benefits in a cost/benefit assessment of energy efficiency policies. It is envisaged that providing a macroeconomic understanding will encourage policy-makers and investors to develop and quantify the benefits of more effective energy efficiency in buildings and programmes and drive higher levels of renovation, thus supporting the EU’s Renovation Wave,’

This is an important report that supports the European Green Deals overarching aim of making Europe climate neutral in 2050. The report is available

available here. It is available here here. Click here for more information on the EU'sRenovation Wave. Back to Mail Online home from the page you came from the EU.Back to the page from the previous page on the page: The European green deal. The EU Green Deals.

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New JRC report: Untapping multiple benefits: hidden values in environmental and building policies

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) has recently published an important new research study on how we can untap the multi benefits from improved energy efficiency in our buildings policies.




The untapped / hidden benefits of environmental policies are huge. This piece of research showcases and places a monetary value on the added benefits to our health, society and the economy that environmental investments and policy linked to energy efficiency can bring.




Findings show that green policies can improve both our health and the economy and can go hand-in-hand. This study provides guidance to policy and decision-makers in developing a methodology for the inclusion of multiple benefits in a cost/benefit assessment of energy efficiency policy. It is envisaged that providing a macroeconomic understanding of the wider benefits of energy efficiency in buildings will encourage policy-makers and investors to develop and quantify the benefits of more effective energy efficiency policies and programmes and drive higher levels of renovation, thus supporting the EU's Renovation Wave.




This Report provides the EC, the national administrations in charge of implementing EU energy efficiency policies (such as the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)) in Member States and other decision makers seeking to include multiple benefits in their policies, building programmes and financial programmes with: 


·     Information on identified benefits:


·     A methodology for an enhanced consideration of wider benefits, in particular in the calculation of cost-optimal minimum energy performance requirements under the EPBD; and 


·     A toolkit to calculate and quantify / measure the monetary value of these impacts, from a policy and investor standpoint.




This is an important report that supports the European Green Deal’s overarching aim of making Europe climate neutral in 2050.




The report is available here.


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