Increasing the flow of investment into energy efficiency in industry
The most recent EEFIG meeting focused on industry, a sector that is sometimes neglected compared to buildings. I summarised the work on the EEFIG Underwriting Toolkit and took the opportunity to give…
Read Full articleThe RetroMeter project: using metered energy savings to make energy efficiency more investable
It is now becoming widely accepted that increasing the flow of investment into energy efficiency is essential for hitting climate targets, as well as addressing issues including fuel poverty and…
Read Full articleClimate neutrality and the potential of digital energy efficiency technologies - Five application examples
Reducing CO2 emissions to zero in 30 years - utopian? The conversion of Germany's energy supply to green and renewable is a done deal. In 30 years, the country is to meet its energy needs from…
Read Full articleRussia's hydrogen for Japan
Russia is all set to gain a foothold in the global hydrogen sector in what looks like a bid to be a key supplier for Japan, which has ambitious targets for adoption of the fuel by 2050. Japan's plans…
Read Full articleHow waste heat recovery will change the landscapes
Each year industries across Europe allow a valuable source of heat energy to simply escape out their chimneys. An EU-funded project called ETEKINA has reimagined a decades-old technology called heat…
Read Full articleDigital platforms in the energy sector – definition & first applications
Integrating renewables into the electricity system is a challenging task. Currently, different concepts of how to do this are being discussed. In our last two posts we focussed on different concepts…
Read Full articleWorld Energy Outlook 2022 - global energy crisis: a historic turning point towards a cleaner and more secure future
For the first time, global demand for each of the fossil fuels shows a peak or plateau across all WEO scenarios, with Russian exports in particular falling significantly as the world energy order is…
Read Full articleHow do we get the renovation wave rolling in Germany?
The European Union announced a major renovation wave last fall. It wants to double the rate of renovation in existing buildings over the next ten years. This is urgently needed, because buildings play…
Read Full articleBlockchain: The basis for disruptive innovation in the energy sector?
Blockchain technology has passed its peak in the hype process – at least according to Gartner Consulting’s well-known hype cycles for emerging technologies. In the second quarter of 2017, blockchain…
Read Full articleOverview of main actors in the e-mobility ecosystem
The transport sector still accounts for a quarter of EU carbon emissions, mainly coming from road transport. Direct electrification is playing a leading role in decarbonising the sector with electric…
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