Utilities large missed opportunity: Demand Response in manufacturing
Demand Response (DR) helps utilities to manage the peak electricity demand by temporarily shifting the demand on the consumer side instead of building new power plants to meet the short-time peak…
Read Full articleHow data can increase the re-use of waste energy
A novel platform, to be developed within the project EMB3Rs, will allow everyone in an energy community to explore ways of reusing excess thermal energy on site. Data from a living lab’s cutting-edge…
Read Full articleWaste heat: recovering a valuable renewable resource
The new heat recovery platform, EMB3Rs , can help industries find the best ways to re-use the waste heat energy that would normally be released to our environment. Here’s how it matches heat sources…
Read Full articleDigital financing platforms - a solution to finance smart city projects?
A few month ago I was starting to look a bit closer to the world of Fintech with the aim to identify new digital financing platforms providing access to finance for smart city projects , especially…
Read Full articleIntegrating energy and material efficiency in public distribution transformers
There is growing recognition that the energy transition can only be sustainable if material use is part of the equation, an aspect reflected in recent EU regulatory initiatives. In electrical systems,…
Read Full articleIndustrial Symbiosis: A Pathway to Sustainable Industry through CORALIS
The following article is a summary of the report “Inventory of best practices from the CORALIS demonstrators” delivered by the EU project CORALIS. And it is also a training article for the Enerwhizz ,…
Read Full articleTrends in stationary battery storage
Five young companies - all from the stationary battery storage sector - have received financial support for their further growth in the last 12 months. This proves that this market continues to grow…
Read Full articleEnergy storage investments - bridging production and consumption
The February 2021 energy crisis in Texas was yet another stark reminder of just how broken our national power grid is and how difficult the energy transition will be. The shift to renewable energy…
Read Full articleRussia's hydrogen for Japan
Russia is all set to gain a foothold in the global hydrogen sector in what looks like a bid to be a key supplier for Japan, which has ambitious targets for adoption of the fuel by 2050. Japan's plans…
Read Full articleEnergy Data Insights: The Missing “Smart Step” to Better Building Performance
Following our last article on " Artificial Intelligence in Energy Management Software ", we got many responses from vendors and users alike. Over the next couple of weeks and month we will follow them…
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