Top 10 EU Initiatives for Digitalizing the Energy System: Transforming Europe’s Energy Landscape
In response to the urgent need for a greener, more efficient energy system, the European Union has taken bold steps to digitalize its energy infrastructure. As Europe moves towards its ambitious 2030…
Read Full article5 energy sources you have never thought of
Every day, surplus heat is released into the environment, contributing to global warming and wasting chances of clean energy generation. Opportunities to recover and reuse it can be found in places…
Read Full articleHarnessing Industrial Symbiosis For Sustainable Growth and Circular Economies
The following article is a summary of the report “Industrial Symbiosis: Success and Deterrent Factors" delivered by the EU project CORALIS. And it is also a training article for the Enerwhizz , which…
Read Full articleHow waste heat recovery will change the landscapes
Each year industries across Europe allow a valuable source of heat energy to simply escape out their chimneys. An EU-funded project called ETEKINA has reimagined a decades-old technology called heat…
Read Full articleInnovators: €7.68 million Research and Development funding to dramatically change renovations
The Horizon-project procuRE has released the RD services tender ( TED ) calling for the development of breakthrough solutions to renovate existing buildings to be supplied with 100% renewable supply.…
Read Full articleData-driven, data-dependent: Blockchain in the Mining Industry
What is a mine’s main output? Minerals would be the first, obvious answer: there are mines around the globe producing thousands or even millions of tons of minerals. So far, so good. But what else?…
Read Full articleSmart Metering : Is it really interesting for Industry?
What is Smart Metering ? About the issue of rational use of energy, smart metering turns out to be a real solution to consider. But, what is actually smart metering? The smart metering is literally…
Read Full articleThe benefit of compressed air systems becoming smart - a Boge example
The continuous improvement programme – a smart service – considerably improves the efficiency and life cycle of compressed air systems based on continuous Improvements. The origin of the revolution Up…
Read Full articleDigital financing platforms - a solution to finance smart city projects?
A few month ago I was starting to look a bit closer to the world of Fintech with the aim to identify new digital financing platforms providing access to finance for smart city projects , especially…
Read Full article#03 Augmented Reality (AR) - From visualized data to x-applications for the digital energy industry.
Augmented reality can do much more than make the invisible visible. It connects our analog and digital data worlds. In doing so, it creates transitions that did not exist before. 2D data can be linked…
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