Financing Energy Efficiency
Meet EEIP at the EASME event on Financing Energy Efficiency This event, held in Brussels, will present a selection of on-going initiatives at local, national and European levels that are demonstrating that energy efficiency can be financed on a large…
DetailsEuropean Lighting Summit
The objective of the European Lighting Summit, which will take place on 30 March 2017 in Brussels, Belgium, is to look at lighting beyond energy efficiency. Inspirational thoughts on Intelligent Lighting Systems, Human Centric Lighting and Circular…
DetailsEnergy Efficiency Finance Market Place
The conference " Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place ", organised by European Commission's Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) , is taking place in Brussels on 18-19 January 2017. The conference is the third in a series…
DetailsEU Sustainable Energy Week 2016
WHAT? The Policy Conference is the most important European conference dedicated to sustainable energy policy issues. Sessions organised by the European Commission and energy stakeholders debate new policy developments, best practices and sustainable…
DetailsEU Sustainable Energy Week 2018
Lead The Clean Energy Transition By 2050, Europe’s energy sector should have made the switch from fossil fuel-based energy to renewables to be carbon neutral. This transition to clean energy is now moving at a significant speed, but still more needs…
DetailsArtificial Intelligence in Energy Management Software
This is not a blog about AI, machine learning or even deep learning. It is about a quick review on how far energy management software (EMS) has developed over the last years. And if we can see first…
Read Full articleBest Practices to tackle an investor raise
One best practice for project developers is learning from the experiences of other entrepreneurs and investors. At Joule Assets Europe, we work with project developers and investors. Gearing up for…
Read Full articleRaising the priority for industrial energy efficiency
Energy efficiency policy certainly follows an interesting path, perhaps more so for the industrial sector. Europe has been experimenting with how to unlock the potential of industry so that all…
Read Full articleIndustry at crossroads - reflections from EEFIG industry event
Industry at a crossroads A vibrant and highly competitive EU manufacturing sector can provide the resources and many of the solutions for the societal challenges facing the EU, such as climate change,…
Read Full articleHow much can energy management actually save?
There’s no debate on the importance of the concept of energy management – a structured process through which organisations seek to optimise their energy use. Its definition and practice is codified…
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