Cleaning up “dirty” ceramic tile production
Energy efficiency in kilns and other process stages of ceramics production are quite low and pollutants are currently emitted at unsustainable levels. But as costs for fossil fuels rise and…
Read Full articleHere’s How European Energy Companies See The (Near) Future
Here’s How European Energy Companies See The (Near) Future Two days at Europe’s premier energy conference, eurelectric 2017, reveal how utilities are rapidly adjusting — and looking forward- to a new…
Read Full articleDecarbonising the European Food and Drink Sector: A Net Zero Roadmap
The Climate Challenge and Industry Impact The food and drink manufacturing sector in Europe is facing a significant challenge to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Currently, this sector is…
Read Full articleNew Hydrogen Infrastructure Map
To showcase the state of play of hydrogen infrastructure in Europe and how the various hydrogen projects can act as a key enabler to reach the REPowerEU hydrogen targets, six industry associations…
Read Full articlePandemic upends commercial renewable energy demand
The covid-19 pandemic is disrupting industries around the world, including renewable energy. With so many workers stuck at home, experts caution that corporate renewable energy demand could drop off.…
Read Full articleUtility of the future
Energy Efficiency in industrial processes is part of the Demand Side Management of the energy markets. However, there are many developments clearly indicating that the time is over where the different…
Read Full articleWaste heat: recovering a valuable renewable resource
The new heat recovery platform, EMB3Rs , can help industries find the best ways to re-use the waste heat energy that would normally be released to our environment. Here’s how it matches heat sources…
Read Full articleDEEP 2.0 - De-risking energy efficiency through better reference data
The De-risking Energy Efficiency Platform (DEEP) is an open-source database for energy efficiency investments performance monitoring and benchmarking. DEEP provides an improved understanding of the…
Read Full articleIncreasing the flow of investment into energy efficiency in industry
The most recent EEFIG meeting focused on industry, a sector that is sometimes neglected compared to buildings. I summarised the work on the EEFIG Underwriting Toolkit and took the opportunity to give…
Read Full articlePEPITe S.A.
PEPITe provides advanced predictive analytics software & consulting services to support resource-productive operations in plants. PEPITe’s in-house advanced analytics tool, DATAmaestro, is an innovative approach to operational performance analytics. It is used as an engine to leverage big data, collected during an analytics…