21st century energy management
First published here Growing up I loved anything to do with the future – particularly the 21st century. TV21 was the comic to read and it was full of stories about life in the 21st century,…
Read Full articleEurope's one trillion climate finance plan
Find out how Europe wants to fund projects to tackle climate change and support regions that are most affected by the transition to a green economy. Just over a month after the presentation of the…
Read Full articleRussia's hydrogen for Japan
Russia is all set to gain a foothold in the global hydrogen sector in what looks like a bid to be a key supplier for Japan, which has ambitious targets for adoption of the fuel by 2050. Japan's plans…
Read Full articleDigital financing platforms - a solution to finance smart city projects?
A few month ago I was starting to look a bit closer to the world of Fintech with the aim to identify new digital financing platforms providing access to finance for smart city projects , especially…
Read Full articleIndustrial Symbiosis: A Pathway to Sustainable Industry through CORALIS
The following article is a summary of the report “Inventory of best practices from the CORALIS demonstrators” delivered by the EU project CORALIS. And it is also a training article for the Enerwhizz ,…
Read Full articleFour reasons why financial institutions should be active in energy efficiency
Four reasons why financial institutions should be active in energy efficiency This is the first in a series of blogs based on and picking up key elements in the EEFIG Underwriting Toolkit which was…
Read Full articleCleantech startups: German utilities bridging the valley of death?
4 reasons why Cleantech startups failed in the past Starting a new company in the energy sector, especially in the clean tech branch, is risky and every so often not successful. Still, in the period…
Read Full articleDeep decarbonisation of industry: The cement sector
Headlines Fossil fuel combustion to meet heating needs accounts for 35% of cement’s CO2 emissions. The remaining 65% are due to direct process emissions, which must also be addressed. The biomass use…
Read Full articleUnlocking the Power of Industrial Symbiosis: How Data Exchange Fuels Collaboration and Innovation
The following article is a summary of the report “Overview of data exchange channels and their implementation” delivered by the EU project CORALIS. And it is also a training article for the Enerwhizz…
Read Full article5 energy sources you have never thought of
Every day, surplus heat is released into the environment, contributing to global warming and wasting chances of clean energy generation. Opportunities to recover and reuse it can be found in places…
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