6 principles for a market design that enables the energy transition
Does the classical business model of utilities have a future in Europe given the transition towards a decentralized energy system? This was the key question discussed by different economists at the…
Read Full articleHannover Trade Fair 2017
Join us at world´s leading industrial trade fair Hannover Messe 2017 (24-28 April) Meet our European and German team: Flavio Steinbach , EEIP DACH Simone Ciolek , EEIP DACH Juergen Ritzek , EEIP Business Director (mobile: +32 / 486 / 671.255) Hashtag…
DetailsSummertime is installation time
Engineers use the summer break to launch new heat recovery system This summer, when millions of Europeans were departing for their first holidays since the start of the pandemic, also Prof. Hussam…
Read Full articleHere’s How European Energy Companies See The (Near) Future
Here’s How European Energy Companies See The (Near) Future Two days at Europe’s premier energy conference, eurelectric 2017, reveal how utilities are rapidly adjusting — and looking forward- to a new…
Read Full articleCentral and Eastern European Energy Efficiency Forum - C4E
The 3rd edition of the unique community-building and networking event on energy efficiency in Central and Eastern Europe – The Central & Eastern European Energy Efficiency Forum (C4E Forum) will take place between 21-24 September 2021, in one of the…
DetailsThe Alliance4ECEI hosts the Digital tools as enablers of more efficient energy consumption in industrial waste heat/cold recovery webinar, as part of the Sustainable Energy Days
The Alliance for Energy Cooperation in European Industries ( Alliance4ECEI ) will hold the online session Digital tools as enablers of more efficient energy consumption in industrial waste heat/cold…
Read Full articleC-level: New approach to safeguard energy efficiency investments
Industry is starting to get some answers Since the oil crises in the 1970s, industry has been treated specially, although not always in ways that led to important improvements in energy performance.…
Read Full articleEnergy Efficiency Finance Market Place
The conference " Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place ", organised by European Commission's Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) , is taking place in Brussels on 18-19 January 2017. The conference is the third in a series…
DetailsNew tools show a way forward for large-scale storage of renewable energy
A technique based on the principles of MRI and NMR has allowed researchers to observe not only how next-generation batteries for large-scale energy storage work, but also how they fail, which will…
Read Full articleEnergy Efficiency in Industrial Processes
Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes (EEIP) is a free, neutral and open, business & policy platform for industrial energy efficiency. At its core is the idea that energy efficiency is more than technology, and that market growth can be accelerated through information and best practice exchange. In practice, EEIP network…