EU Green Week 2021
Annually organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment, the EU Green Week is the best opportunity to debate and discuss European environmental policy. In line with the EU's commitment on the European Green Deal…
DetailsTop 10 EU Initiatives for Digitalizing the Energy System: Transforming Europe’s Energy Landscape
In response to the urgent need for a greener, more efficient energy system, the European Union has taken bold steps to digitalize its energy infrastructure. As Europe moves towards its ambitious 2030…
Read Full articleFrom Industrial Symbiosis to Hubs for Circularity, the IS2H4C Projects kicks-off!
On 14-15 of February, the IS2H4C consortium met in Enschede, Netherlands, to kick-off the 4-years project, aligning on objectives, timelines, communication, and coordination planning for the first…
Read Full articleHow Australia could supply Europe with green hydrogen
Wind and solar power generated in Western Australia's Midwest could be helping to power Europe by the end of the decade. Key points: A trilateral international study will consider how to fast track…
Read Full articleEEIP has been awarded the CircLean European industrial symbiosis label "CHAMPION"
In its Circular Economy Action Plan and Waste Framework Directive, the European Union has assigned a prominent role for industrial symbiosis (IS). This concept describes ‘the use by one company or…
Read Full article3 Ways utilities will benefit from 5G
Despite the hype over 5G, it’s still years away from being fully deployed. But utilities should start now in planning how it will benefit their operations. 5G is the fifth generation of mobile…
Read Full articleBlockchain will be the next GDPR
What has been apparent for a long time to all of us involved in energy efficiency at business and industry is that the communication layer is the foundation of nascent energy system. It will radically…
Read Full articleGetting to grips with the complexities of industrial decarbonisation using soft systems
On the 12th October I moderated a panel on industrial decarbonisation at the Carbon Forward London conference . Not being a carbon markets specialist I was out of my comfort zone – which is always a…
Read Full articleHow Energy Efficiency and Renewables will benefit from COVID-19
Since 1900 only three events had a greater impact on global energy demand than COVID-19: The Spanish flu, the Great Depression and World War II. So now COVID-19. Can we already predict the near and/or…
Read Full articleWill South Korea’s energy transition include nuclear?
Ulchin Nuclear Power Plant won’t be closing any time soon, although President Moon had hoped to reduce the share of nuclear in Korea (Photo by IAEA , edited, CC BY-SA 2.0 ) From Yi hyun kang, Energy…
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