Electrifying the Future: Joule-Heated Catalytic Reactors as a Pathway to Decarbonization and Innovation
In today's energy landscape, one of the most pressing challenges is reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly from energy-intensive industries like chemical manufacturing. With climate change…
Read Full articleIt's time to act
People only accept change when they are faced with necessity, and only recognise necessity when a crisis is upon them. -Jean Monnet. French political economist and diplomat who was one of the founding…
Read Full articleHow Australia could supply Europe with green hydrogen
Wind and solar power generated in Western Australia's Midwest could be helping to power Europe by the end of the decade. Key points: A trilateral international study will consider how to fast track…
Read Full articleIndia's electricity upgrade
India’s national transmission grid must urgently modernise to increase the rate of renewable energy adoption. This is a key prerequisite for achieving India’s renewable energy investment ambitions…
Read Full articleHow data can increase the re-use of waste energy
A novel platform, to be developed within the project EMB3Rs, will allow everyone in an energy community to explore ways of reusing excess thermal energy on site. Data from a living lab’s cutting-edge…
Read Full articleNew IEA Energy Efficiency 2020 report signals reversals for First Fuel
The recently released annual IEA update on energy efficiency trends is grim reading. It sets out cold evidence of the concern we all share that the Covid-19 crisis has significantly damaged energy…
Read Full articleGreen Revolution - Medium-sized companies show the way. Lessons from two spanish companies in the chemical industry
The path towards a more sustainable and ecological industry is not easy and sometimes SMEs (Small and Medium sized Enterprises) struggle to understand why and how conversion towards a more…
Read Full articleTowards Zero Emission Mobility in European Transport
Thirteen companies and industry associations from European industry have joined forces and identified key tasks on the upcoming European Union Low Emission Mobility Package. Representing the…
Read Full articleOn the road towards a European Common Energy Data Space
Towards the governance of European Common Energy Data Space Preparations for European Common Energy Data Space as foreseen in Data Governance Act and EU Action Plan for Digitalising the Energy System…
Read Full articleInternational recognized sustainable Energy Management System (EnMS): ISO 50001
Improving energy performance, reducing consumption of electricity, improving overall energy efficiency and advancing its knowledge on energy uses is a major concern of enterprises in the world. In the…
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